MSSU Archives & Special Collections Exhibits: Tri-State Area Mining Collection

Digital exhibits created by the MSSU Archives and Special Collections department.

A combination of photographs and documents donated from the Webb City Genealogical Society, Webb City Historical Society, and the Harry Hood collection offers a rich history of mining and its origins in the Tri-State Area. The Tri-State Area is best known for its production of lead and zinc, and has had mining operations in the area as far back as the 1850s. Thousands of people were employed in the mines, with some of the largest operations being in Picher, Oklahoma and at the Oronogo Circle Mine. At its peak, the Tri-State Area was nationally recognized as a top producer of lead and zinc.  

Through the photographs taken in the mines, this collection offers an in-depth view of the environment and locations the miners worked in, along with the harsh conditions they dealt with every single day. This collection also explores the terminology commonly used in the mines, and a brief description of the evolution of mining lamps.  

Exhibit curated by Emily Evans, with the assistance of Whitney Hamm, 2022-07.

All images are the property of Missouri Southern State University. Contact for reproduction and use rights.

View the entire Tri-State Mining photograph collection in the Riches From the Earth Collection, linked below!

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