MSSU Archives & Special Collections Exhibits: Joplin Junior College

Digital exhibits created by the MSSU Archives and Special Collections department.

Joplin Junior College

Joplin Junior College (JJC) was officially established in 1937, and housed in Joplin High School, with H.E. Blaine as its first dean. Small as these beginnings may be, they are what culminated into today's bustling college, Missouri Southern State University.

Joplin Junior College Graduation Class, 1963

This image displays the 1963 graduation class of Joplin Junior College.

Joplin Junior College Graduation, 1967

Due to 1967 marking the opening of MSSU's new campus (which is where it is presently), this photograph was likely taken of two alumni belonging to the last graduating class that was taught at the original Joplin Junior College (JJC) campus.

The back of this image indicates that this photo was taken at "8th and Wall," in 1967.

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