MSSU Archives & Special Collections Exhibits: China

Digital exhibits created by the MSSU Archives and Special Collections department.

Edward and Mabel moved to China in 1946 to help with the post-World War II reconstruction, specifically the rebuilding of Chinese highways and the building of the Indo-China pipeline. They moved back to Carthage Missouri in 1948 to flee the communist uprising.

The communist revolution began in 1949 and killed upwards of 4 million people in the first few days. It is very likely that the Bailey’s had many friends who were killed in China during the revolution. These letters too Major General H.H. Vaughan are in regards to how Edward Bailey thinks the United States government should handle the communist China situation. Which involves possible troops on the ground.

Edward Bailey Chinese Identification


Mabel Bailey Chinese Identification


Edward Bailey Portrait

This is a photo of Edward Bailey while he was in China.

Chinese Highways Department Booklet

This booklet I was unable to translate. I know that it details the reconstruction and improvement of the Chinese highway system. Edward was an engineer which is how he got the position. Edward and Mabel Bailey were also fluent in Chinese. Which are a few big reasons that they moved to China as civilian consultants.

Pencil Art of Carroll Bailey From China

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