MSSU Archives & Special Collections Exhibits: Oronogo Mutual "Circle" Mine

Digital exhibits created by the MSSU Archives and Special Collections department.

Located in Oronogo, Missouri, the Oronogo Circle mine stretched 12 acres and was strip mined for lead and zinc at levels of 150 ft, 240 ft, and 360 ft. At the time, this was the largest open pit lead and zinc mining operation in the world.

Oronogo Mutual Mine 1944

Photograph of “The Oronogo Mutual” mine in Oronogo, MO on August 29, 1944.  

Oronogo Mutual Ground Crew

The Ground Crew for Oronogo Mutual Mining Co.’s Oronogo Circle Mine (Mutual mine) gathers for a photo in Oronogo, MO on August 29, 1944. In the center is Beach Mccoy, Ground Boss for the mine. 

Mining in Jasper County

Report by Harry Hood, Webb City Historian, about the history of Oronogo Circle Mine 

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