Organized Labor Unions Almost Bite the Dust
Curated by Christina Hamilton, 2023-07
In this Iron Molders and Foundry Workers Union of North America journal article by editor Elmer Reynolds, Sr, he reported how Senator Pat McNamara of Michigan would not sign off on the McClellan Special Senate Committee report, spearheaded by subcommittee chief counsel and investigator Senator John F. Kennedy, that blasted the efforts of organized labor. This subcommittee’s investigation was initiated by the loss of millions due to bogus unions created by mobsters Johnny Dio and Jimmy Hoffa. Yet Senator McNamara believed the deeds of a few bad apples should not ruin a good thing for everyone, and so he rebutted the report with his own minority report in the late 1950’s. This report pointed out the Special Senate Committee’s distorted picture of the way unions ran, and asked that “equal publicity [be given] to clean and honest unions.” By taking this lone stand, Sen. McNamara received applause from I.M. and F.W.U. of N.A.
United States Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management - Wikipedia
Detailed information regarding the background, purpose, and actions of the McClellan Special Senate Committee, whose report had the power to make or break the future of organized labor unions.
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