Student Worker Training: How to: Request Time Off

Guide for training of Library student workers

When a user adds time off to LibStaffer, they're defining specific times when they are unable to work. This is great for blocking out events like birthdays, vacations, appointments, sick time, travel, etc. Depending upon how your admin have set up your LibStaffer system, time off requests may require approval.

When time off is approved, the user will be treated as unavailable during those times. However, that does not automatically remove the person from any currently-assigned shifts. They would still need to give up or swap the shifts (or an admin could manually reassign the shift in the schedule).

Time off can be added in a couple ways:

  • staff can add their own time off to LibStaffer.
  • Your supervisor can add time off on behalf of any user.

To get started, click on  Time Off in the command bar. You can then add time off via the Add Time Off button, or by clicking on any date in the calendar.

To quickly start a new time off event:

  1. Under the Time Off tab, click on the + ADD TIME OFF button.
  2. Select One Time Only from the dropdown. This will display the Once Off window, where you can configure the event.

  1. If you are a schedule admin, use the Account dropdown to select which user this time off is for. (Your name will be selected by default.) If you are a system admin, you can select multiple users from the Account dropdown to add time off for more than one user at a time. 
    • Don't see this field? Then you're not an admin -- skip to Step 5. :)
  2. Use the From Date and To Date fields to select the dates for the time off.
    • If this is for a single date, just select the same date in both fields.
  3. Select the times for the time off.
    • If this is for the entire day, select the All Day checkbox.
    • Otherwise, use the From Time and To Time fields to select specific times.
  4. Select the appropriate category for the time off.
  5. Optionally, you can add a note about this time off. If your requests require approval, this can help provide some context for the admin reviewing your request.
  6. Click the Save button.


When you're viewing the time off calendar, in either Calendar View or Staff Timeline view, you can also start a new one-time time off event by clicking on a specific date.

After clicking on a date, the Once Off window will appear, with the From Date and To Date fields already set to that date. If needed, you can adjust those dates while you configure the remaining options for the time off event (see Steps 3-8 above).

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