This series provides literary criticism on well-known writers and also on often overlooked writers, either because their work is too new, not well known enough or of bizarre genres, like mystery or science fiction.
Each author referenced has an average of five excerpts from critical articles or reviews. One volume covers everything possible up to the point of its publication; “subsequent volumes will present entirely new material. Each volume will cover writers not previously included and will also provide significant new criticism pertaining to authors included in earlier volumes.”
This series, although connected to the Contemporary Authors series and included in their index, has its own indices every few volumes (indicated on the book spines) and users should look to these indices first.
Notes in the entries instruct users to reference the Contemporary Authors series for biographical information; this series focuses on criticism of authors’ writings specifically.
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To use, simply look up your author’s last name in the index (listed alphabetically), figure out what series and volume number he is located in, and go to that source.
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