Student Worker Training: Circulation, Reference, Library Systems and Part-time Clerks

Guide for training of Library student workers


Circulation: The Circulation department handles check-outs, shelving and billing of materials. This is also the department that maintains MOBIUS and Inter-Library Loan requests. 

The Circulation and Resource Sharing Specialist:

  • Maintains Library accounts
  • Processes Reserve materials
  • Answers questions about Fines and fees
  • Maintains study rooms

There are two Circulation desks, one on the 1st floor and one on the 3rd floor. 

If a patron wishes to check out they must do it at one of the two Circulation desks (1st and 3rd floor).

Reservations for Study rooms (different from Meeting rooms), Reserves, Inter-library loan requests, faxing, paying fines and bills, renewing materials and picking up MOBIUS requested materials are all done at the 3rd floor Circulation desk. 

Part-time Clerks

Part-Time Clerks are NOT Considered their own department. But they are an important part of the library!


If you work after 5pm or on Saturday or Sunday you will most likely work with the part-time clerks. There are ten clerks total. 

The clerks act as supervisors for the evening and weekend shifts. They open and close the library, and have been entrusted with a key to the building. 

If you are asked to do something by a clerk you should complete the task. 

It is important that everyone in the library work together to provide the best services the library can offer!


Reference: The Reference department provides research assistance and maintains Reference materials and periodicals. 

There are two librarians in the Reference department:

Instruction/Reference Librarian:

  • Schedules and delivers instruction classes
  • Designs classroom assignments and hands-on activities
  • Creates specialized LibGuides
  • Provides research assistance
  • Maintains Reference Collection
  • Supervises and schedules Reference Student Workers

Serials and reference Librarian

  • Maintains magazines, journals and newspapers
  • E-resources
  • Aids with LibGuides
  • Provides research assistance
  • Liaison to database and e-resource vendors

Located off the main staircase on the 3rd floor. 

A list of Reference materials can be found here.

Refer to Reference if there is printer trouble for the 2nd floor,  research questions, aid for using computers on 3rd floor, LibGuides, and finding specific journals. 

Library Systems

The Systems department is made up of one librarian, whose office is located behind the Reference desk. The Systems librarian has the duties of:

  • Managing integrated systems such as Sierra
  • Working with IT for access issues
  • Working with URM on the library website
  • And more!


The Library Systems department does not deal directly with students, they may with faculty. Do not refer a student to the Systems department. 

This site is maintained by the librarians of George A. Spiva Library.
If you have a question or comment about the Library's LibGuides, please contact the site administrator.