ebrary: FAQs

Your guide to ebrary - how to access ebooks, search, highlight and take notes within an ebook, add an ebook to your ebrary bookshelf, cite ebrary books, and share ebooks with persistent links

I am off-campus, why can I not access ebrary?

Be sure to be accessing ebrary from the Missouri Southern authenticated URL and not from the ebrary vendor site.


Why can´t I save a copy of the entire document?

An ebrary reader delivers documents to your desktop page by page. Page-by-page delivery eliminates time-consuming downloads and provides copyright protection for publishers.

You can, however, place documents in your ebrary bookshelf to access at a later time; saving all highlights, notes and inserted hyperlinks.

Where can I find my bookshelf?

Click the Bookshelf tab at the top of any ebrary page.

I cannot see the document I clicked on – why do I see just white space?

ebrary displays the document as it was originally printed, so blank pages might appear throughout the document. Documents often begin and end with blank pages. Click ahead or back in the document to ensure you are not just on a blank page in the document.

Can more than one person access a document at a time?

All documents in Missouri Southern's Academic Complete ebrary collection have access by unlimited number of users 24/7.

Does ebrary support Boolean and proximity search?

Yes, you can use Boolean or proximity searches. Type the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and proximity operator (WITHIN) in CAPS.

ebrary Help Links

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