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International English Program

Resources to help users learn English in an academic setting including speaking, listening, writing and reading skills.

OverDrive - EBook and Audio Book Collection

 Access over 25,000 audio books and e-books through OverDrive/Libby






Watching movies is a great way to improve your listening skills and vocabulary.

Visit our feature film collection located across from the Reference desk on the third floor of the library.  Missouri Southern students, faculty and staff may borrow up to five videos at a time for a period of seven days.  They may be renewed for one additional time period if no one has requested the item.

The feature fillm collection includes:

-American Film Institute's Top 100 Movies of All Time

-American Film Institute's Top 10 of 10 

-continuously added award winning & nominated films!

All non-fiction DVDs are filed by Library of Congress Classification call numbers on the second floor of the library with our main collection books.

Lists of Fiction and NonFiction DVDs

Listening Websites

This site is maintained by the librarians of George A. Spiva Library.
If you have a question or comment about the Library's LibGuides, please contact the site administrator.