MOBIUS is a resource sharing library network that allows access to thousands of books, ebooks, media, and more! MOBIUS allows you to request materials from academic/public libraries all across the U.S.!
The following is a small sampling of ebooks available through Spiva Library's subscription ebook collections. Browse more comprehensive lists via the links in this guide.
The ebooks below deal with the discipline of social justice.
The following is a small sampling of books available through Spiva Library's physical collections. Browse more comprehensive lists via the links throughout this guide.
The books below deal with the discipline of social justice.
Books at Spiva Library are filed by the Library of Congress Classification System. To determine the Library of Congress call number of a specific book one must search the Spiva Library Catalog. A Spiva Library catalog search widget is provided below.
Suggested search terms:
ableism, accessibility, advocate, age, ageism, ally, anti-Semitism, bias, binary, bisexual, categorization, civil right, class, classism, conditions, constitutional law, criminal justice, developmentally, disability, disable, disabled, disadvantage, discrimination, disparity, dominant culture, elderly, ethnic, ethnic minority, exclusion, favoritism, gay, gender, group, hate crime, homophobia, homosexual, housing, identify, impair, impaired, inequality, label, lesbian, marginality, marginalization, minority, native, oppressed, oppression, orientation, poverty, power, preference, prejudice, privilege, race, racism, relation, relations, relevant, religion, religious, sexism, social class, social service, social welfare, socioeconomic, socio-economic class, status, stereotype, stigma, supremacy, transgender, transgendered, visually impaired, xenophobia
To access the full-text of ebooks from off-campus you must be a current MSSU student, faculty or staff member with a username and PIN. If you don't know or can't remember your Missouri Southern Username or PIN, please contact the IT Help Desk.
If you need a book which Spiva Library does not own, we can request a copy from another library using a service called InterLibrary Loan.
Before you place a request for a book, be sure to check MOBIUS. Books available through MOBIUS libraries can be requested by MSSU students, faculty and staff from the MOBIUS page.
This service is available to all MSSU students, faculty, alumni, staff and community card holders.
*a nominal service fee may
apply in some cases*
This site is maintained by the librarians of George A. Spiva Library.
If you have a question or comment about the Library's LibGuides, please contact the site administrator.