Processed Boxes:
Box 1, Spiva Exhibits & Official Files 1972-1986
- Sell-a-bration 1979
- 24th Annual May Competitive Exhibit award list, invitation letter, correspondence, entry forms, media releases, newspaper clipping
- “Sell-a-bration" was held at the Joplin Community Church on October 13th, 1979, Apple cider and pie were served, and artists could bring their Fall themed art for sale
- Nancy Sulzner Exhibit 1972
- Dinner ticket from 02/14/1972, list of artwork and prices (Senior Show)
- Women ‘79 Sept., 1979
- Media release, artist information, copy of article from The Chart 09/06/1979, list of artwork, correspondence, article from the News Leader 09/16/1979, exhibition postcards, photographs of artwork
- “Nine Women ‘79” was an exhibition from September 9th to 28th, 1979 and featured artists Jayme Burchett, Neppie Conner, Lane Elkins, Susi Ettinger, Judith Noble Fowler, Marhta Purdy, Marjorie Schick, Jacqueline Snyders, and Jacqueline Warren.
- Illustrations for Children 1979
- Traveling exhibition program information, correspondence, exhibition contract, financial reports, condition report, exhibition packet, list of artworks, inventory list
- “Illustrations for Children: The Gladys English Collection” was at the gallery December 1st to 30th, 1979 and came from The Western Association of Art Museums.
- Hans Hoffman 1980
- Helen Naden Morgan slides, exhibition agreement (Western Association of Art Museums), newspaper clipping, images of artwork by Hoffman and Morgan, artist information, correspondence, envelope of book labels, financial reports, gallery notes, media release, list of art
- “Hans Hoffman: Colorist in Black and White” was held September 1st to 30th, 1980.
- Moving Images (Oct. 1980)
- Correspondence, field trip information, information about
- “The Moving Image” exhibit, and news release about the exhibit “The Moving Image” exhibit (10/5-26) was taken from the personal collection of Jerome K. Muller. The exhibition is artwork created for animated films. Activities such as film screenings accompanied the exhibit. Some films include Steamboat Willie and Gulliver’s Travel
- Gift to the Street (Jan. 31-March 1, 1981) (Sites)
- Correspondence, newspaper article about Carthage architecture, exhibition agreement (Smithsonian), exhibition packet, media release, gallery notes, financial records
- “Gift to the Street: A Patternbook of Victorian Architecture” was held February 4th to March 1st, 1981, and featured photographs by Carol Olwell.
- Selections from the Big Chief Collection (March, 1981)
- Images of artwork, financial reports, correspondence, newspaper clippings, artwork list, artist information
- “Big Chief Collection” (03/04-29 1981) was an exhibition focused on American West art and included 72 historical and contemporary works. Some artists include George Catlin, Carl Bodmer, and Joseph H. Sharp.
- Our Environment (Sept. 1-30, 1981)
- Images of artwork and postcards, correspondence with artists, financial records, and folder entitled “The Art Museum Association, Our Environment Education and Registrar Materials”
- “Our Environment” (09/08-27 1981) was 30 works of art that demonstrated changes in artists’ perception over the span of 125 years. Some artists include Roy Lichtenstein, Ansel Adams, and Imogen Cunningham.
- Sculpture Exhibit April 5-26, 1981 Spiva Art Center – MSSC
- Images of artwork, exhibition booklet and catalog, artist application guidelines, Missouri Arts Council documents, correspondence to UMKC, financial records,
- “The Missouri Bronze Casters’ Show” featured 39 bronze sculptures by Missouri artists and “Missouri Artists: Works on Paper” in conjunction with UMKC featured 51 works by Missouri artists. Some artists include Ann Martin, Dan Younger, and Leila Daw.
- Light and Color: Images from New Mexico (Jan. 17-Feb. 21, 1982)
- Missouri Arts Council documents, application for program assistance (1979-1980), reports, media releases, correspondence, credit application form, children’s guide, docent materials folder, photographs of artwork
- “Light and Color: Images from New Mexico” was held January 17th to February 21st, 1982 including artists Robert Henri, Oscar Berninghaus, Fritz Scholder, Peter Hurd, and R.C. Gorman.
- “Benton’s Benton” Finances 1982
- Exhibition booklet, newspaper clippings, correspondence, agreements, project information sheets, media release, docent schedule, exhibitions flyer 1981-82, financial reports, exhibition packets, contributing members list, docent script, The Museum of the Year 1981 booklet
- “Benton’s Bentons” was opened March 7th, 1982 and included a film, lecture, and exhibit.
- “Ecole Barbizon” (Speck Coll.) Frederick Whitehead works (Aug. 22 – Sept. 15, 1982)
- Exhibition booklets, exhibition postcards, artist information, image of artwork
- “Frederick Whitehead: Paintings, Watercolors, and Etchings” was held August 22nd to September 15th, 1982.
- Directions: Fabrics and Fibers Sept. 26-Oct. 24, 1982
- Exhibition booklet, artist information, photographs of artwork, correspondence, list of artists included and not, exhibit postcard, newspaper clippings, media release, exhibition agreements
- “Directions: Fabric and Fibers” was held September 26th to October 24th, 1982 and featured Layne Goldsmith, Margaret Roach Wheeler, Billi R. S. Rothove, D. Ryan Johnson, Hylarie McMahon, and Jane Sauer.
- City Series: Santa Fe-Taos February 3-27, 1983
- Correspondence, newspaper articles, exhibit checklist, media releases, exhibition agreement, exhibition booklet
- “Cities Series: Santa Fe/Taos” was held February3-27, 1983 and included artists Douglas Johnson, Lee Mullican, and Fritz Scholder
- Addis Collection of Mexican Art April 3-May 8, 1983
- Exhibition agreement, evaluation form, sample media release, correspondence, exhibition information, newspaper clipping, media release
- “The Joy and Arthur Addis Collection of 20th Century Mexican Art” was held April 3rd to May 8th, 1983 and featured artists Jose Luis Cuevas, Francisco DosAmantes, Francisco Icaza, and Jose Munoz Medina.
- Crying for a Vision: A Rosebud Sioux Trilogy 1886-1976 March 5-26, 1983
- Correspondence, photograph of artwork, flyers from other museums, school information, worksheets, exhibition agreement, newspaper clipping, media release, meeting notes from July 12, 1983, list of assets May 31, 1983, financial reports
- “Crying for a Vision: A Rosebud Trilogy, 1886-1976" and “Search for the Purebloods” was held March 6th-26th, 1983
- Duke Wellington Exhibit June 12-July 3, 1983
- Exhibition postcards, correspondence, media release, images of artwork, treasure hunt worksheets, articles
- “Duke Wellington” exhibition was held June 12th to July 10th, 1983 to honor the artist.
- James Hamil Watercolor Wkshp. Sept. 1983
- Workshop form and information, lecture notes, media release, correspondence, supply list, painting prints
- The Watercolor Workshop was held September 15-17, 1983 from 9-4 each day. The workshop was led by James Hamil and cost $45.
- “The Lithographs of James McNeill Whistler” Sept. 10-Oct. 9, 1983
- Newspaper clippings, correspondence, checklist and condition report, expense reports, exhibition agreement, exhibition information,
- “The Lithographs of James McNeill Whistler” was held September 10th to October 9th, 1983.
- “Old Master Drawings” & Prints Oct. 16-Nov. 13, 1983
- Exhibition booklet, correspondence, exhibition poster, media release, exhibition calendar 1983-84, label information, newspaper clipping, exhibit evaluation form, exhibition agreement
- “Old Master Drawings” was held October 16th to November 13th, 1983 from the collection of Milton McGreevy at the Nelson-Atkins and featured artists Rembrandt and Goya.
- “More American Than Apple Pie” Jan. 1-Feb. 12, 1984 Quilts
- Exhibition agreement, correspondence, images of art, photographs of exhibition
- “More American Than American Pie” was held January 1st to February 12th, 1984.
- “Soundings” Feb. 1-22, 1984
- Articles, artist information, sample media release, exhibit labels, correspondence, exhibition packet, newspaper clippings, media release
- “Do You Hear What I Hear” was held February 1st-22nd, 1984 and featured touchable art by Reinhold Pieper Marxhausen.
- “Directions: Watercolor” Feb. 19-Mar. 25, 1984
- Exhibition booklet, slides, articles, photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, school information, worksheet, artist information, media release
- “Directions: Watercolor” was held February 19th to March 25th, 1984 and featured artists Susan Michod, Keith Achepohl, Richard Brink, Donald Lake, Jerry Berneche, and Darral Dishman.
- “Carthage 6x6” June 3-July 1, 1984
- Event invitation, 5th annual gathering of the artists 1982 booklet, media release, newspaper clippings with photographs, correspondence
- “Carthage 5x5” was held June 3rd to July 1st, 1984 and featured ten artists: Robert Allen, Lowell Davis, Jerry Ellis, Melody Knowles, Chris Leiter, Richard Locarni, Mike Morgan, Bob Tommey, Everett White, and Robert Whitehead.
- Peoples’ Art of China July 8- July 29
- Exhibit postcards, photographs of exhibit, newspaper articles, July/August 1984 newsletter, exhibit information, newspaper clippings, correspondence, media release, exhibit packet, financial records
- “People’s Art of China” was held July 8th to July 29th, 1984.
- Gordon Parks Collection K.S.U- Manhattan Sept. 5- Oct. 3
- Newspaper clippings, correspondence, exhibition agreement, media release, collection booklet
- “The Gordon Parks Collection” was a collection of photographs by “Life” photographer Gordon Parks and Leon Hicks held by Kansas State University. The exhibition was held September 4th to October 3rd, 1984.
- Leon Hicks Prints
- Fall 1984 calendar, artist information, postcards from other institutions, artist statement, articles, September newsletter, media release, newspaper clippings, correspondence,
- “Leon Hicks: Prints and Drawings” was held September 5th to September 30th, 1984.
- Missouri Fiber Artists Oct. 7-28, 1984
- Exhibition postcard, October/November 1984 newsletter, Fall 1984 calendar, exhibition booklets, financial records, exhibition contract, newspaper copies, media release, correspondence, financial statements, artist information, photographs of art, newspaper clippings, loan agreements
- “Missouri Fiber Artists Traveling Exhibition” was held October 7th to 28th, 1984 and was supported by Joplin’s J.C. Penney. Artists included Jean Berry, Jeann F. Blankenship, Mary Rawcliffe Colton, Mary Fite, Anita Hobbs Genteman, Carol Goralnik, Lynn Grannemann, and Debbie Hulett.
- West Coast Realism Jan. 6- Feb. 15, 1985
- January/February 1985 newsletter, newspaper clippings, Joplin school list (1985), exhibition worksheet, exhibition information, correspondence, exhibition agreement, financial records, artwork photographs
- “West Coast Realism” was held January 6th to February 15th, 1985.
- Goya’s ‘The Disasters of War’ Mar. 3-Mar. 31, 1985
- Postcards with different art by Goya, media release, 1985 spring calendar, newspaper copies, photographs of artwork, correspondence, exhibition evaluation form, March and April 1985 newsletter
- Goya’s “The Disasters of War” was on display at the gallery March 3-31, 1985. Goya’s etching were touring with Mid-America Arts Alliance from the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation collection.
- Master Painters of Haiti April 15-June 3, 1985
- Newspaper clipping, exhibition agreement (Smith Kramer Art Connections), media release, correspondence, newspaper clippings, artist information,
- “Master Painters of Haiti” was on display August 25th to September 29th, 1985 and included artists Philome and Antoine Obin, Rigaud Benoit, and Gerard Valcin.
- “Shamans and Spirits” Oct. 1-Oct. 27, 1985
- Media releases, shipping information, newspaper clippings, correspondence, list of artwork, September/October 1985 newsletter, exhibition booklet, exhibition agreement, photographs of art,
- “Shamans and Spirits: Myths and Medical Symbolism in Eskimo Art” was on display October 1st to the 27th, 1985 and featured pottery by Bruce and Pat Mayo.
- “Midwest Impressionist: Jan 12-Feb. 16, 1986
- Newspaper clippings, financial records, calendar Winter 1985-86, media release, photographs of art, correspondence, artist information, exhibition agreement
- “Frank C. Peyraud: Dean of Chicago Landscape Artists” was held January 12th to February 16th, 1986 and featured impressionistic oil paintings by Frank C. Peyraud.
- Directions: Personal Iconography Feb. 23- Mar 30, 1986
- Newspaper articles, calendar Winter 1985-86, correspondence, artist information, exhibition postcard, photographs of artwork, media release,
- “Directions: Personal Iconography” was held February 23rd to March 30th, 1986 featuring artists Thomas Gormally, Margo Kren, Edward Larson, Elizabeth (Grandma) Layton, Roger Shimomura, and Dhimitri Zonia.
- Benton Exhibit
- Correspondence, exhibit flyer, newspaper clippings, reception invitation, Summer 1986 newsletter, media release, list of artwork, exhibition booklets
- “Benton in the Ozarks” was held June 8th to July 13th, 1986 and featured art by Thomas Hart Benton.
- Vietnamese Inlaids July 20- Aug. 2, 1986
- Exhibition flyers, list of artwork with prices, media release, Thanh Le booklet
- “Vietnamese Inlaids- Metal Sculpture” were on display July 20th to August 2nd, 1986 was curated by Thoai Ngoc Tran and featured a sculpture welded by James H. Scorse.
- “Teaching Art/Making Art” Aug. 24-Sept. 21, 1986
- Artist information (Marjorie Schick), photographs of art (Schick), newspaper clippings, class and exhibition calendar, media release, correspondence
- “Teaching/Making Art” was held August 24th to September 21st, 1986 and featured art from area college students and art instructors.
- “Elements: Paper, Color and Brush” Sept 28-Oct 26, 1986
- Exhibition information, photographs of artwork, artist information, correspondence, newspaper clippings, inventory list, John Clabaugh
- “Elements: Paper, Color, and Brush” was held September 28th to October 26th, 1986 and featured watercolor paintings.
Box 2: Spiva Exhibits & Official Files 1987-1992
- “Cowboys” Jan. 11-Feb. 15 ‘87
- Correspondence, newspaper clipping, list of art, media release, artist information
- “Cowboys” was held January 11th to February 15th, 1987 and included art by local artists Bob Tommey and Doug Marshall and from the Leggett & Platt collection.
- Elliot O’Hara Exhibition Feb. 22-March 22
- Correspondence, newspaper clippings, inventory list, exhibition postcard, artist information, photographs of art, artist and art booklet, art checklist, media release, exhibit worksheet
- “Eliot O’Hara Watercolors 1924-1969" was held February 22nd to March 22nd, 1987
- Twentieth Century Sculpture Sept. 13- Oct. 25, 1987
- Correspondence, photographs of art, exhibit booklets, tour schedule, artist information, newspaper clippings, media release, exhibit worksheet, school schedule, thank you letters to director.
- “Twentieth Century Sculpture” was held September 12th to October 25th, 1987 featuring artists Marino Marini, Gerhard Marcks, Auguste Rodin, Ernest Trova, Geroge Kolbe, Theodore Roszak, Alexander Calder, and Armand Pierre Arman
- Robert Cottingham Exhibit June 7-July 5, 1987
- “Robert Cottingham: A Print Retrospective1972-1986" book, exhibition postcards, exhibition agreement, summer 1987 Newsletter, correspondence, media release, exhibit worksheet, newspaper clippings
- “A Print Retrospective: Robert Cottingham” was held June 7th to July 5th, 1987 and featured art from the Springfield Art Museum collection
- MSSC Alumni Show Aug. 16-Sept. 6, 1987
- Newspaper clipping, photographs of art, “Ozarks Artists Guild” booklet (05/22-06/26, 1988), art list and prices, exhibition flyers, media release, correspondence, exhibition checklist, MSSC alumni majors report 08/06/87
- “Alumni Exhibit: Celebrating 50 Years” was held August 16th to September 6th, 1987 and featured graduating artists from MSSC
- Golden Age of Jazz Jan. 10-Feb. 14, 1988
- Correspondence, photographs, exhibition agreement, book information, media release, artist information
- “Portraits from the Golden Age of Jazz” was held January 20th to February 14th, 1988 and featured photographs by William Gottlieb
- Polite Society/Daily Life Feb. 21- March 27, 1988
- Exhibition booklets, correspondence, photographs of art, exhibition information, artwork list, newspaper clippings, media release, artist information
- “Polite Society” featuring cartoons by Helen Hokinson and “Daily Life” featuring works by Robert Day were held February 21st to March 27th, 1988.
- Collectors Eye- Olga Hirshhorn Aug. 27- Sept. 25, 1988
- Exhibition calendar 1988-89, correspondence, newspaper clippings, exhibition postcards, exhibition agreement, media release, art magazine (Queue, Inc.), exhibition information, photographs of art, artist information, checklist/condition report
- “A Collector’s Eye: The Olga Hirshhorn Collection” was loaned by the Smithsonian Institution for August 28th to September 25th 1988 featuring art by Alexander Calder, Louise Nevelson, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Pierto Consagra
- Directions Oct. 2-30, ‘88
- Exhibition booklet, correspondence, September/October 1988 newsletter, artist information, newspaper clippings, photographs of art, exhibit worksheets, school schedules
- “Direction: Color and Form” was held October 2nd to 30th, 1988 and featured artists Warren Rosser, Robert Russell, Wade Thompson, and Gary Bowling
- Other Places Jan 15-Feb 12 ‘89
- Exhibit postcards, exhibition booklet, correspondence, artist information, newspaper clippings
- “Joan Backes: Five Drawings of Scotland” was held January 15th to February 12th, 1989. “Other Places/Other Faces” was held January 15th to February 12th, 1989 and featured art by Bruce West, Tony Ramos III, Gary Goldberg, Richard Loftis, and Michael Morgan
- Prints/Woodcuts Feb. 26-March 19 ‘89
- Exhibit postcards, correspondence, media release, unpacking instructions, exhibit checklist, artist information, “Vocabulary to Share,” “Activities,” and “Resources” papers, newspaper clippings, exhibition booklet, exhibition evaluation, art kit with slides
- “Woodcuts by Karen Kunc” and “Japanese Prints from the Mulvane Art Center” were held February 26th to March 19th, 1989.
- Ozark Pastel Society May 21-June 18, 1989
- Newspaper clippings, exhibit postcards, society by-laws, list of art and prices, May/June 1989, artist information, correspondence, media release
- “Ozark Pastel Society: An Exhibition of Pastels by its Members” was held May 21st to June 18th, 1989 by twenty artists from Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, and Indiana.
- David Burt-Photos of the Ozarks June 25-July 23, 1989
- Exhibit postcards, correspondence, newspaper clippings, media release, art lists
- “David Burt: Photographs of the Ozarks” was held June 25th to July 23rd, 1989 and featured photographs by local artists John Couper, David Davidson, James Mueller, Suzanne Wilson, Sara Perkins, and Ed Hakes
- Costume as Communication Sept. 24-Oct. 22, 1989
- Newspaper clippings, correspondence, exhibit information, media release, exhibition packet and folder, exhibition agreement
- “Costume as Communication” was held September 24th to October 22nd, 1989 and featured weavings from Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Chiapas, and Mexico.
- Nebraska Landscapes Aug. 20-Sept. 17, 1989
- Artist information, exhibit postcard, photographs of art, correspondence, list of art and prices, media release, newspaper clipping
- “Prairie Landscape” was held August 20th to September 17th, 1989 and featured artists Anne Burkholder, Ben Darling, Hal Halhoun, Deborah J. Murphy, Susan P. Puelz, and Alan R. Smith
- Benefit: Holly Tea (1974-1987)
- Benefit poster, invitation, ticket for a drawing, letter to Mr. Stalter asking permission to use photographs of his collection for the Holly Benefit, appreciation letters, correspondence, press release, newspaper clippings of event, financial reports and statements, fashion show schedule, ticket receipts from 1975 (one receipt sold 176 adding up to $528), Cut Glass Collection records 1982,
- Folder contains Holly Tea information from 1974, 1975, 1976, 1981, 1983 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987
- Spiva Art Center’s 40th Anniversary was held on Sunday November 22, 1987 at MSSC Taylor Auditorium with yearly Holly Benefit (fashion show and tea).
- Exhibits Comm. (Exhibition Communication)
- Exhibition list from Fall 1984 to Spring 1989, Fall 1989 to Spring 1994, and 1994-1995, postcard for Casey Downing, Jr. opening sculpture reception in 1993 at Henri Gallery, postcard from Kansas City Artists Coalition for “Juror’s Choice” 1993 exhibition, newspaper clipping for Evon Streetman photography 1992, letter from photographer Ben Schmidgall requesting to show work 1995 and artist Cy Lehrer in 1995, flyer for Matt Myers’ Life Drawing Class, letter and exhibit request from Judith Swirsky to show “Relatively Speaking: Mothers and Daughters in Art” (1995), letter from Picture Framing & Design declining to work on a show (January 11, 1995), postcards and booklets from other galleries and museums, blank copy of budget sheet and planning calendar, 43rd Spiva Annual Competitve and Photospiva 92 entry form, gallery membership form (1993), 42nd Spiva Annual exhibit book (1992), board committees department and name list (1993-1994)
- Prints from Sheldon Mo. Biennial Feb 4- March 18, 1990
- Exhibition pamphlets, correspondence, newsletter from February-March 1990, newspaper article copy, media release, thank you note Joplin elementary school, class worksheet, school schedule, Missouri Arts Council booklet and folder, list of artwork, photography of Richard Diebenkorn’s lithograph, exhibition agreement, information from the Kansas City Art Institute, thank you nots from Duenweg schools
- “Contemporary Prints from the Collections of Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery” was held February 4th to March 18th, 1990, and featured artists Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Robert Motherwell, Cy Twombly, Robert Cottingham, Chuck Close, Vito Acconi, Frank Stella, and Donald Sultan. Five Missouri artists also showed their work in the “1989 Missouri Visual Artists’ Biennial”: Sue Eisler, James McGarrell, Michael Eastman, Allan Winkler, and Timothy Hahn.
- Majesty In Motion May 13-June 24, 1990
- Newspaper clipping, exhibition agreement, list of Frederick J. Waugh artwork, slides, media release, correspondence, March/April 1990 newsletter, exhibition pamphlets
- “Majesty in Motion” was held May 20th to June 24th, 1990 and featured artwork by Frederick J. Waugh.
- Nat Cole/Perm. Collection July 8-29, 1990
- Contact information, newspaper clipping, media release, list of artwork, exhibition postcards,
- The exhibition, “Nathanial Cole Memorial Exhibtion,” was a memorial for Nat Cole, an art professor at MSSU, and featured 32 of his paintings from July 8th to the 29th, 1990.
- Teaching Art/Making Art Aug 19-Sept. 16, 1990
- Indiana University School of Fine Arts Gallery poster, list of art and prices, correspondence, young student sign up sheet, newspaper clippings, financial records, artist information, exhibit information,
- “Teaching Art/Making Art II” was held August 19 to September 16th, 1990.
- UMB- “Chasing Landscape” Sept. 23-Oct, 21, 1990
- Exhibition private showing invitations, photographs of art, artist information, exhibition calendar 1989-1990, invitation list, newspaper clipping, correspondence, list of artwork, September/October 1990 newsletter, exhibition booklet, thank you poster, media release, thank you notes
- “The Changing Landscape: Selections from the United Missouri Bankshares, Inc. Collection” was held September 23rd to October 21st, 1990 and featured artists Charles Woodbury, George Bellows, Barbara Frets, Kenneth Adams, and John Carlson.
- Sticks & Stones Jan 13-Feb. 10, 1991
- Correspondence, artist information, media release, copies of newspaper articles, exhibition label poster
- “Sticks and Stones” was held January 13th to February 10th, 1991 and featured art by C. Patrick (Pat) Rowan.
- Gulf States Feb. 17-Mar 17, 1991
- Printed articles, correspondence, list of artwork, slides, newspaper clippings, media releases, thank you notes from children
- The exhibition was held February 17th to March 17th, 1991 and featured artists William Aiken Walker and Edward Lamson Henry.
- Contemporary Still Life May 18-June 30, 1991
- Correspondence, list of artwork, exhibition booklets, media releases, Carthage square shopping map and guide, exhibition agreement
- “Intimate Views: Still Life Selections form the Glenn C. Janss Collection of American Realism” was on display May 26th to June 30th, 1991
- Bella Vista-Rogers Art Clubs July 7-28, ‘91
- Correspondence, Rogers Art Guild information, news article, media release
- The exhibition was held July7-28, 1991 and featured art by the Village Art Club of Bella Vista, AR and the Rogers Art Guild of Rogers, AR.
- Small Masterwork Paintings Aug 25-Oct 6, 91
- Exhibition booklets, newspaper clippings, exhibition contract, exhibition information, correspondence, artwork checklist
- “Small Masterwork Paintings” was held August 25th to October 6th, 1991 and featured art from the Butler Institute of American Art.
- Brushmarks- Jan 12-Jan 26, ‘92
- Newspaper copies, newspaper clipping, artist information, list of artworks, William Rainy slides
- “Brushmarks” was held January 12th to the 26th, 1992 and featured art by Bill Rainey, Tom Parker, and Alex Barde.
- Artists of the American West Feb 1-22, 1992
- Exhibition booklet, media release, exhibition fact sheet, January/February 1992 newsletter, magazine clipping, correspondence, list of artwork, exhibit worksheet, newspaper clipping, schedule for “Hands on Workshop 1992,” The Midwest Motorist January/February 1992 magazine
- “Artists of the American West” was held February 2-26, 1992 and featured art by Karl Bodmer, John James Audubon, George Catlin and Frederic Remington.
- Soroptimist
- Letter to Soroptimist International of Joplin about a grant (1997), federal tax income exemption information, construction costs and plans, board of directors information, grant information, floor plans
Box 3: Spiva Exhibits & Official Files 1994-2004
- Gift Wrap pre 1994 AND Gift Wrap 1995 AND Gift Wrap 1996
- Gift wrap financial records, free gift wrapping certificates, image negatives of gift wrapping event, event flyer, correspondence to Hallmark and NorthPark Mall, financial reports, project report
- The Gift Wrap was a holiday charity event at the NorthPark Mall
- Tribal Art
- Exhibit postcards, photographs of art, correspondence, articles, exhibit booklets, flyers, slides, Museum News magazine (September/October 1994)
- “African Art from Area Collections” was held January 20th to February 26th, 1995
- MSSC Seniors May ‘95
- Exhibit postcards
- “Missouri Southern State College Senior Art Exhibit” was held May 7th to 20th, 1995
- The West July 7-Aug 13, 1995
- Exhibit postcards, photographs of art, list of art
- “The West” was held July 8th to August 13th, 1995 and featured art from the Leggett & Platt collection
- Selections Aug 26-Oct 1, 1995
- Exhibit postcards, artist information, articles, loan agreements, correspondence
- “Area Collections” was curated by Fenton Huff and William L. Rainey held August 26th to October 1st, 1995
- Miscellaneous Correspondence 1995-99
- Correspondence ranging from ‘95 to ‘99 and financial records
- Tea Party
- Tea party, May 19, 1996, financial records, planning information, and invitation
- Ken & Donna Stout May 3- June 16, 1996
- “Monoprints by Arkansas Artists” booklets, exhibition postcards, artist information, “Mid-America Biennial 1991” booklet, correspondence, list of artworks, financial records, photographs of art
- “Two Worlds: Paintings and Drawings by Ken Stout and Donna Phipps Stout” was held May 3rd to June 6th, 1996.
- Scholars as Painters June 21-July 21, 1996
- Artist information, financial records, correspondence, Michael DeRosa slides, newspaper clippings, exhibit postcards, 46th Spiva Annual certificate
- “Scholars as Painters” was held June 21 to July 21, 1996 and featured artists Tom Parker, Bruce Holman, Michael DeRosa, Rodney S. Frew, Sharon Harper, Robert Russell, and Rebecca Rutledge.
- Rt 66 – Aug 10, 1996 Fundraiser
- Photographs, newspaper clipping, photo negatives, exhibit postcard, correspondence, artist information, Route 66 information
- “Return to Route 66: Photographs of the Mother Road” was held July 26th to August 30th, 1996 and featured photographs by Shellee Graham. On August 1st, 1996 Spiva held a fundraiser at Broadview County Club in Carthage, MO, with vintage cars, drinks, food, and music.
- Shared Stories Sept 6-Oct 6, 1996
- Artist information (Louise Borden), newspaper clippings, Exhibits USA folder
- The Oregon Trail Oct 11-Nov 30, 1996
- Exhibit postcards, RSVP forms, photograph of art, “The Closet Poet: Western Country Poems” book by Little Leroy, event information, map of Joplin, correspondence, exhibit flyer, artist information
- “The Oregon Trail” was held October 11th to November 30th, 1996 and was accompanied by a local artist fair on October 5th.
- Artist information and correspondence
- Borrowed from Nature May 2- June 8, 1997
- Artist information and correspondence
- Small Town/Big Time 3 Aug 22-Sept 28, 1997
- Correspondence, artist information, and “Tricia & Richard C. Children Book Illus.” folder with information about Tricia Courtney.
- Ancestral Images Jan 8- Feb 14, 1998
- Financial records, exhibit postcards, exhibit and artist information, newspaper clippings, letters from Sonya Clark, and loan agreements
- Ancestral Images was an art exhibit from January 8 to Febuary 14, 1999 including artists Margaret Roach Wheeler, Sonya Clark, Yoshiro Ikeda, and Gloria De Duncan.
- 1997 Contemporary Craft Show
- Exhibit applications, images of pieces, list of participants, winner letters and awards, artist information, loan agreements, artist directions for display, artist statements
- The Spiva National Contemporary Crafts show was held November 14 to December 21, 1997. Winners included Sarah Perkins, Kieth Ekstam, and Ruth Bowman
- Craft Competive ‘99
- Exhibit applications, images of pieces, list of participants, winner letters and awards, artist information, loan agreements, artist directions for display, artist statements
- The Spiva National Contemporary Crafts show was held November 12 to December 19, 1999. Winners included Lanelle Keyes, Sarah Perkins, and Ukiko Honda
- Nathanial Cole (MSSC professor and artist) biography, exhibit booklets, newspaper clippings (press releases), artist statements, loan agreements, emergency contact list, docent protocol, Joplin Police Department bomb threat information sheet, scanned copies of articles about William Bernheim (Holocaust survivor), insurance information, artwork lists, shipping records
- “Quest of Understanding: Contemporary Interpretations of Faith” was an exhibit held from October 1 to November 7, 1999. It included artists Nancy Kissel Clark, William Bernheim, Brother Melvin Myer, and Nat Cole
- Calendar of Event 00-01
- 2002 Missouri Vacation Planner listing form, form for events section listing advertising “In Celebration of Langston Hughes” (01/04-02/10, 2002), “Woven in Harmony” (02/15-03/24, 2002), and “From the Eyes of the Community” (06/14-30, 2002), letter from KRPS regarding Calendar of Events process, and map of Missouri regions
- Spiva Biennial 2000
- Exhibit List/ Shipping & Receiving, correspondence- letters and emails, 2000 competitive application form, entry list, FedEx shipping information, payment receipts, show postcards, and award winner list
- Artists include Pat Larsen, Frieda Logan, Fritzi Morrison, Gretchen Schultz, Todd Snyder, Gary F. Waldon, and Hugh Yorty.
- Craft Competitive 2001 Oct 5- Nov 11
- Exhibit postcards, entry form, correspondence, loan agreements, information about artist Mary B. White
- Artists in show include John McCoy, Drew Maple, Jim Lobbey, Nathan Falter, and Phyllis Close
- 3rd Craft Competitive 10/5-11/11/01
- Letter of gratitude to Alison Moore, Phillip H. Carter, Candeh Abudu-Powell, Nathan Falter, and George A. Chrisman for lending work for the “Contemporary Cratfs” exhibition, sales record, exhibition postcards, postage statement, media release, list of unprocessed entries, Juror’s list, entry list, financial records
- Red Dirt Expressions Nov 16- Dec 21, 2001
- Exhibit announcement email/letter, list of artists, loan agreements, media release, financial records, 2001 Ornament Auction list
- Artists of the “Red Dirt Expressions” exhibition include Michi Susan, Elanor Carmack, Byron Shen, Gail Sloop, Susan Cooper, Harolyn Long, John Brandenburg, Paul Medina, Dorothy Norris Moses, Laura Warriner, Guy Warren, Laurie Spencer, B.J. White, Patrick Riley, Michelle Martin, George Oswalt, Paulette Arkle Black, Audrey A. Schmitz, Randy Marks, Maxine Warren, Don Narcomey, and Gayle Singer. “Women Artists of the Heartlands” exhibition include Barbara Courtney, Marion Bryant, Mary Ellen Pitts, and Joann Hall.
- “A View of the Southwest” (Leggett & Platt)
- Media Release, 2001 list of art, artists, and prices, loan agreements, exhibit postcard, and postage statement
- Exhibit containing works from the Leggett and Platt collection from August 24 to September 30, 2001. Artists include W. A. Slaughter, Robert Broner, Salvador Dali, Angelo Montesy, Carl Worner, Frank Fleming, Steven Hill, Tom Coleman, Dan McCaw, Edna Hibel, Erte, Frank Lloyd Wright, Kent Wallis, P. A. Renoir, Winslow Homer, and Loren D. Adams.
- Area Coll. III 7/13-8/12/01 Gas receipt, artist information, postage statement, exhibit postcards, exhibit placards
- Artists: Kent R. Wallis, Jennie Brownscomb, William Hogarth, Augustus John, and John Constable.
- Richard and Tricia Courtney Exhibit
- Regional Galla Show 12/02
- List of artists and artwork, gallery calendar for November 16 to December14
- Artists include Scott Murray, Nicholas Frank, and Lara Blankenship
- Woven in Harmony Feb 15- Mar 24, 2002
- Return of artwork statement, FedEx receipts, artist workshop flyer, loan agreements, list of activities, media releases, artist information, workshop discussion packet, FedEx receipts, postage statement
- Artists: Soon-Gil Cho, Marjorie Schick, Rebecca Bluestone
- “Eyes of Community”
- Participant registration form, completed applications, list of participants, media release, postage statement, photo of participants, and correspondence
- “From the Eyes of a Changing Community” was an exhibit held June 14 to July 14, 2002. Participants included members from Webb City, Carterville, Miani, Neosho, Seneca, Columbus, and Joplin.
- Black Art: Ancestral Legacy Jan 4, 02 – Feb 10, 02
- Shipping records, media release, correspondence, condition report, list of artworks, loan agreements, artwork information, and postage statement.
- “Black Art: Ancestral Legacy” ran from January 14 to February 10, 2002.
- “An Afternoon with the African Experience” was held on February 10, 2002, and featured a Marimba Ensemble, Kufara; a local storyteller, Diane Humphrey; a singer, Pamela Postai Kahn, and poetry reading by children from Carl Junction and the Joplin Boys and Girls Club
- The Art of the Object July 19, 2002
- Three duplicate exhibit postcards
- From the Eyes of a Changing Community June 14- July 14, 2002
- Multiple copies of participant photo and several random photographs.
- Black Art: Ancestral Legacy Interpreting the Artist’s Thoughts Jan 4, 2002
- Copies of exhibit postcard
- Robert and Rebecca Bluestone Feb 11-15, 2002
- Woven in Harmony exhibit postcards
- Majestic Landscapes
- Receipts, correspondence, postage statement, exhibit postcards, and media release
- Majestic Landscapes Artists: Ansel Adams, M. Charles Rhinehart, Kieth Jacobshagen, and Wayne Wolfe
- Landscapes from a Different View Artists: Darlene Brown, Thomas B. DeCleene, Jere Hanney, Paul Hanney, and Nick Kyle
- Art of the Object
- Media release and list about Christmas items
- “Art of the Object” July 20 to September 1, 2002
- RFG- MSSC Art League
- Artist applications, loan agreements, artist statements
- Artists include Nicholas Frank, Kyle McKenzie, and Katherine Chandler
- Prairie Fire
- Loan agreements, postage statement, media release, exhibit postcards
- The exhibition “Prairie Fire” lasted from January 17 to February 23, 2003 and included artists Kevin Hughes, Elaine Henry, Jeff C. Legg, and Marcia Polenberg
- Contemporary Hispanic
- Exhibition list for 2004, sign-up sheet for installation, loan agreement, price list, artist statements, exhibit postcard, and postage statement
- “New Artists: Different Perspectives” or “Contemporary Hispanic artists” lasted from May 23 to June 29, 2003 and included artists Carlos Tello, Vince Parker, and Rene Cuevas
- Regional Focus Gallery
- Blank loan agreement and application, and main gallery schedule September to May
- Photo File
- Newspaper clipping about Layne Goldsmith, blank artist background sheet, images of art and artists
- Loose Documents and Images
- Exhibit postcards and booklets, financial records, loan agreements, sale records, artist statements, other gallery booklets, newspaper clippings, postage statements, artist information, and photographs of artwork and artists
Box 4: Spiva Exhibits & Official Files 1994-2003
- Gift Wrap- ‘94
- Hallmark correspondence and order information, letter from the Salvation Army, correspondence, project financial records, flyers
- Anita Huffington- Sculpture Torso
- Printed articles, images of sculptures, and photographs of Lynne Brooks-Korn's paintings.
- Pat Musick
- Proposal for exhibition, Musick and Spiva correspondence, artist biography and statement, news articles, photographs of artwork,
- Women in Print Aug 28-Oct 9, 1994
- Newspaper clippings, artist and artwork list, exhibit labels, photographs, postcards, membership letter, exhibit contract
- “Presswork: the Art of Women Printmakers was an exhibit held August 26 to October 7, 1994. Artists include Louisa Chase, Janet Fish, and Helen Frankenthaler.
- Our Land/Ourselves June 12-July 31, 1994
- Postcards, financial records, newspaper clipping, program guide, exhibition agreement, accessibility information, exhibit book
- “Our Land/Ourselves: American Indian Contemporary Artists” was an exhibit held June 24 to July 31, 1994. Artists include Carm Little Turtle, Frank LaPena, Jolene Rickard, and Linda Lomahaftewa
- Picasso July 11- Sept 15, 2003
- Insurance documents, list of artworks with insurance values, images of artworks, shipping information, exhibit postcard, rental agreement, and exhibit book
- “Picasso: 25 Years of Edition Ceramics” was an exhibition from the Edward and Ann Weston collection. The show lasted from Jully 11 to September 15, 2003.
- Commerce Bancshares
- Loan agreement, collection book, business cards, flyers, artwork list, images of artwork
- “Celebrating American Realism: Selections from the Commerce Bancshares Fine Art Collection” was an exhibition held at the Spiva Gallery from August to September 26, 1999. Some artists include Suzanne Pines, PS Gordon, Fairfield Porter, and Janet Fish.
- Figuratively Speaking
- Artist resumes, loan agreements, shipping documents, insurance information, press release, Postage Statement
- The exhibits “Figuratively Speaking: Perceptions of the Human Form” and “Go Figure: Works from the Region were on displat from January 17 to February 22, 2004. Artists include Marie E. V. B. Gibbons, Lavetta Rhinehart, Andy Warhol, and Henry Moore.
- Kathy DeTar June 10-17, 1994
- Postcard, copy of newspaper article, and a Polaroid of DeTar’s painting “Katie.”
- Kathy DeTar’s (Joplin artist) art was shown at the grand opening of the gallery’s new location on Saturday, June 11, 1994.
- DeTar/Grand Opening Educational Programs
- Printed documents with woodblock printing and printmaking information and instructions.
- Race Track Promo
- Kids’ drawings, blank drawing paper, flyers, press release.
- The promotion was to help celebrate the grand opening of the gallery’s new building. Children were given a sheet of paper to take to the 66 Speedway to create a work of art. The winners received a $25 savings bond.
- Adolph Dehn- Landscapes Feb 20- March 20, 1994
- Correspondence with Harmon-Meek Gallery, press release, newspaper clipping, list of artwork
- “Midwest Landscapes: Adolf Dehn” was on display from February 20 to March 20, 1994.
- An Die Musik (Cynthia Schwab) Jan 15, 1994
- Newspaper page, flyers, program, and articles
- “An Die Musik: Oboe, Strings, and Piano” was a presentation of music held at MSSC on January 15, 1994 in cooperation with the gallery. Artist in collaboration included Helen Frankenthaler, David Hockney, Robert Motherwell, and Kenneth Noland.
- German Artists
- Exhibit book, postcards, newspaper clippings, program documents
- “3 Contemporary European Artists” was an exhibition held October 4-25, 1993. The artists featured in the exhibition, Eddy Hoet, Iro Sohn, and Helwig Putter, spoke at the opening.
- Floored Art Aug 15-Sept 26, 1993
- Slides of art, newspaper clippings, postcards, agreement documents, display instructions, Tex Wounded Face artist information
- “Floored Art: Off the Floor, on to the Walls” was an exhibition held from August 15 to September 26, 1993. Artists included Luis Cruz Azaceta, Marisol, Robert Ellis Kushner, Hung Liu, Patsy Norvell, Liliana Porter, and Miriam Schapiro.
- Chinese Calligraphies June 93
- Exhibition calendar (1992-1993), correspondence, shipping information, press release
- “Contemporary Calligraphy and Paintings from the Republic of China” was an exhibition held from May 30 to June 23, 1993. A thirty-minute video, “Chinese Brush Painting” by Ning Zen, was shown.
- Robb Goldstein/Benton 1992-1993
- Postcards, artist contract and information, list of artworks, production documents
- “Thomas Hart Benton: The Man, His Music and his Art” was a celebration of the artist’s life that included a performance by Robb Goldstein on March 26, 1992 or 1993.
- Directions: Assemblage and Collage Feb 7-March 24, 1993
- Newspaper clippings, photos of artwork, information about artists Jim Leedy, George W. Neubert, Lois Mitchell Kellogg, and Fumiyo Kaneko and images of their artwork
- “Directions: Assemblage and Collage” was an exhibition held from February 7 to March 14, 1993, and featured artists Jim Leedy, George W. Neubert, Lois Mitchell Kellogg, and Fumiyo Kaneko.
- Crigger/Fowler Jan 10- Jan 31, 1993
- Press release, correspondence, photographs of artwork, artist information and background
- Artists in exhibit: Dwaine Crigger and Judith Noble Flower
- Enlightening The Classics Oct 4-Oct 25, 1992
- Exhibition booklet and information flyer, exhibit agreement, newsletter, newspaper clipping
- The exhibit “Enlightening the Classics: 18th Century Etching of Ancient Roman Architecture” was on display from October 3-25, 1992. Artists included Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Jean Barbault, Francois Philothee Dubois, Jerome-Charles Bellicard, and Jean-Laurent LeGeay.
- Good Stories, Well Told- Video Art Aug 16-Sept 27, 1992
- Film informational documents, 1991-1994 traveling exhibitions booklet, artist information, exhibition contract, newspaper clippings
- “Good Stories, Well Told: Video Art for Young Audiences”
- OK Society of Impressionists July 5-26, 1992
- Newspaper clippings, artist information cards, brochure, correspondence, membership roster 1990, list of artworks, PSA, press releases, articles,
- The exhibition featured artists from the Oklahoma Society of Impressionists from July 5-26, 1992. Artists included Wanda Beaty Brown, Claudia Kates Doyle, Jody Ellison, Leonard Wren, M. Burton Hands, Joan Marron, Jerry McWilliams, Gary Moeller, and Carla Perry.
- Wallace Herndon Smith May 24-June 26, 1992
- Newspaper clipping, correspondence, press release, artist timeline, artist biography, exhibition list of options from Harmon-Meek Gallery, list of artwork on display, Harmon-Meek Gallery booklet
- The exhibition “Without Regard for the Actual” was held from May 24 to June 28, 1992 and featured artist Wallace Herndon Smith from St. Louis.
- Directions: Ceramic Structures March 1-22, 1992
- Exhibition booklets, photographs of the artwork, newspaper clippings, correspondence, artist information, press release, insurance documents, loan information
- “Directions: Ceramic Structures” was held March 1 to March 22, 1992. The exhibition featured artists Lydia Buzio, Cameron Crawford, Keith A. Ekstam, Jeff C. Johnston, and William Kremer.
- Artcessories
- Postcard flyer, artwork list, press release, loan agreements, artist information including artist statements and photos of artwork.
- “Artcessories: The Fun Art of Furnishings” was a silent auction held at the gallery to raise money for the artists at Spiva November 14-30, 2003. The auction featured area artists who turn furniture into art. It was hosted by Pete Williams of Woody’s Wood-Fire Pizza and Heidi Howe owner of The Great American Bagel Co. Artists included Tom Jones, Melanie Liles, Jesse McCormick, Mike Hoffman, and Heather Grills.
- Exhibits Schedule 2004-05
- Past exhibition flyers, exhibition booklets and information from other institutions, correspondence, newspaper clipping, Marysia Burr artist information, blank calendar for 2004, working exhibition list for 2003-04, 2004 exhibition list, information for grant programs (2005), exhibition calendars from 1998 to 2004, 2004 exhibition task list.
- Jack Dowd
- Booklet about Dowd and images of his artwork
- Dragon Building
- Student information, enrollment forms, press release
- “Dragons Be Wee: Dragon Building K-3!” was a one-day art class event on May 15, 2004 for children in kindergarten to grade three. The enrollment fee was $20 and was limited to 20 students. Students from Joplin, Neosho, Carthage, Oronogo, and Carl Junction attended.
- Standard Facility Report
- Correspondence, loan agreement (Harry Cornell, Jr. For Leggett & Platt Collection August 24-September 30, 2001), standard facility report documents (security, fire safety, etc)
- FLEISCHAKER Aug 24-Sept 30
- Exhibit postcards, artwork list, page from magazine, articles over the Fleischaker Collection
- “A View of the Southwest” was an exhibition from the Leggett and Platt Collection from August 24 to September 30, 2001. Artists included Charles Summe, Joe Grandee, and Joe Beeler.
- Folklore of the South Jan 5-Feb 11, 2001
- Media release, loan agreements, postage statement 2000, artist information, correspondence, exhibit display images
- “Folklore of the South” (artists Charlie Lucas, Berneice Simms, Willie White, Herbert Singleton, Mose Tolliver, Sister Gerturde Morgan, Jimmie Lee Suduth, and Reverend Benjamin F. Perkins) and “From Our Own Backyard” (artists Libby Bunch, Robert Smith, Glenda George, Rebecca Perry, Majel North, Lee Ann Sours, Marty Corcoran, and Mary Lou Holmes) were exhibitions held January 5 to February 11, 2001.
- From Our Own Backyard (Contacts)
- Loan agreements, artist information, exhibit postcards
- Cont. Hispanic Art
- Correspondence, artists information (Migual Cortez, Rufino Tamayo, and Noe Hernandez)
- Jack Dowd Oct 27-Dec 16, 2000
- Art booklet, artwork list, articles about Dowd, exhibition fact sheet, correspondence, art list with prices, sign receipt, press release, loan agreement, postage statement 2001
- “When Art Imitates Reality: Jack Dowd” exhibit was held February 16 to April 1, 2000.
- Area Collections July 13-Aug 9
- Loan agreements, artist information, correspondence
- “Area Collections III” was held July 13 to August 21, 2001 and included artists Bill Fowks, Jed Schlegal, and Diana Fleischaker. “Area Collections II” was held October 3 to November 9, 1997 and included artist Norman Rockwell from Cherly Dandridge’s collection
- Langston Hughes Celebration Jan 4-Feb 10
- Exhibit information, artist information, correspondence, viewing and discussion guides
- Majestic Landscapes
- Insurance information, loan agreements, list of artwork and prices, artist information, exhibition postcards, Hallmark loan forms
- “Majestic Landscapes” was held October 11 to November 25, 2002. Artists included Charles Rhinehart, Keith Jacobshagen, and Jere Hanney
- Artrain
- Programs offered (NASA art program, “Visions of Flight”), newspaper clippings,
- Artrian USA offered guide training, community handbook, promotional materials, educational program, railroad scheduling, and professional care.
- “The Art of Motion”
- Artist information, images of artwork, exhibit postcard, slides
- Artists included Jeffrey Zachmann, Grant F. Kenner, and Linda Stein.
- Correspondence, catalog, organization information and promotion, information about Alma Flor Ada
- Del Sol Books, Inc., included children’s books, cassettes, videos, and educational materials created be Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Compoy, and Suni Paz
- Southwestern Artists
- Participant registration form, press release, and correspondence
- “From the Eyes of a Changing Community” was held June 14 to July 14, 2002. It was a photography project (Jim Mueller) and exhibition.
- Unlabeled floppy disks
Box 5: Spiva Exhibits & Official Files 1998-2010
- 3rd Friday
- Stage-Struck Puppets postcards, photograph of unknown man, chronology of Langston Hughes, White Buffalo flyer, newspaper article, budget note, Art for Lunch and Art for Dessert flyers, African Footsteps dance class flyer, Tom Bonham Puppet Productions flyer, correspondence, Johnny Kendrick music flyer, Free Spirit business card, biography of Miller Williams, Burton L. Dunbar professional qualifications
- Sotheby’s
- Program packet, correspondence
- Breast Cancer
- Painting and photography slides, exhibition information, Joplin school field trip schedules September 21-25, 1998, artist information,
- The works of Hollis Sigler, Hannah Wilke, Sharin Hartbauer, and Christine Federighi were included in the exhibit.
- Shattered Images: The Faces of Breast Cancer
- Exhibit postcard, loan agreements, consignment agreement, correspondence, news article, artist information, photographs, magazine pages
- “Shattered Images: The Faces of Breast Cancer” was held at the gallery from October 2 to November 8, 1998.
- Poetry
- Correspondence, sponsorship invoice, news articles, budget information, schedule of events, and financial documents
- The Poetry Festival was held at various venues in Joplin during June 1998 which included workshops and readings.
- Traveling Quilt Exhibit “Threads of Time”
- Press release, to-do list, events list, craft show information, Precious Moments flyer, exhibit booklet
- The exhibition “Threads of Time” was on display March 31 to May 21, 2000. Quilters included Lisa Quals, Sandy King, Bonnie Simmons, Norma Henry, and Juana Green.
- 2000-08
- Press release, loan agreements, sales report, receipts, correspondence, exhibit postcards, postage statement 1999, artist information
- “2000-08 was an exhibition held January 7 to February 13, 2000. It featured William Rainey, Kim Kissel Leffen, Jed Schlegel, Jorge Leyva, Margaret Roach Wheeler, Marv Dahmen, Bill Perry, and Diana Bray.
- RFG Contracts”2000-8” 11/10-12/17/00
- Press release, Sign Designs invoice, newspaper clipping, artist list, loan agreement, set up checklist, printing receipt, postage statement 2000, exhibit postcard, artist information
- “Eight Dimensions 2001” was an exhibition of local artists that took place November 11 to December 17, 2000. Artists included Jim Bray, Randy Wright, Mary Margaret Meacham, Jim Habermann, Mark S. Woodin, Debbie Reed, Penny Wilkinson, and Doug Hall.
- Quilt Exhibit
- Service invoice, exhibit financial analysis, financial records, correspondence, artist information, participating teachers list, notes outline, timeline, grant application, list of schools, project guidelines, images of quilts, meeting minutes (01/06/1999), administrative resumes
- “The Threads of Time” was an exhibition held March 31 to May 21, 2000.
- Hands-On (Quilt) 4/7/00-4/14/00
- April schedule, invoice, school list date and times
- Quilt Exhibit II
- Sew Neat receipts, A Quilter’s Studio receipt, printing receipts, list of sponsors, copy of check from Friends of St. Avips Inc, FedEx receipts, Mays Drug Store receipt, participating elders list, participating teachers lists, class lists, Sign Designs receipt, postage statement, list of quilters, correspondence, Commerce bank activity statement, exhibition postcard, newspaper clippings
- Red Dirt Artists
- Loan agreements, exhibit overview, exhibit postcards, artist information, correspondence
- “Red Dirt Expressions” was held November 16 to December 21, 2001. Artists included David Stinchcomb, Virgil D. Lampton, Gayle Singer, Gloria Abella DeDuncan, Jennifer Cocma Hustis, and John M. Seward
- Contracts
- Artist information (Don Narcomey, Michelle Martin, Harolyn Long, Bryon Shen), 12 x 12 Auction flyer (05/18/2001), loan agreements
- Woven in Harmony Feb 15-March 24
- Exhibit postcards, correspondence, artist information, press release, insurance information, loan agreements, Marjorie Schick slides, exhibit information
- “Woven in Harmony” lasted February 15 to March 24, 2002.
- Have a Seat
- Correspondence, newspaper clippings, media release, list of artists, postage statement 2002, bidding sheets, list of buyers, artists, price, and artwork, exhibit postcard
- “Have a Seat” was an exhibition from September 20 to October 6, 2002 where chairs were featured as art. Artists included Joan Allen, Lara Blankenship, Leloni Boatright, John Gray, Rebecca Perry, and Verneil Roper.
- Prairie Fire
- Correspondence, list of artists, exhibit flyers, images of art, exhibition record
- “Prairie Fire” was a sculpture exhibit held August 20 to October 12, 2001. Artists included Keith Ekstam, Elaine O. Henry, Kevin Hughes, Jeff Johnson, Howard Koerth, Malcolm Kucharski, Lisa Lockman, and Marcia Polenberg.
- Kaleidoscope of Blooms 2002
- Kaleidoscope of Blooms flyer, Lamar Companies invoice and correspondence, show income/expense report, donation forms, booth reservations list, invoices and receipts, City of Joplin invoice reimbursement check, vendor signs
- “Kaleidoscope of Blooms Garden Show” presented by Spiva Center for the Arts was held at the Joplin Memorial Hall on March 16th and 17th, 2002 and featured gardens, garden and art products, workshops, speakers, and performances.
- Garden Show
- Missouri Department of Revenue documents for vendors, correspondence, media release (Floral Competition winners), 12 x 12 auction postcard, receipts, lists of vendors, schedule of events 03/16-17, floral design competition forms and applicants, example event booklet, garden show contacts, credit card authorization to run an ad for the event, event map, phone log, check for the Hall rental, media release, ledger report for 07/01/2000 to 03/18/2002, Lamar advertising receipts, volunteer schedule, drawing tickets, banners guidelines, postage statement 2002
- Ad Receipts
- Sponsorship forms with company/donor names and advertising placements
- Garden Show Underwriters 2002
- Sponsorship forms with company/donor names and advertising placements
- Press Releases
- Mailing list, media releases
- Garden Show 2000
- Event layouts/maps, ledger report for 07/01/1999 to 02/09/2001 and 07/01/2000 to 02/27/2001, Missouri Outdoor Advertising Association information, insurance documents, booth reservations forms, correspondence, event flyer, media release
- Interior Landscapes
- Correspondence, exhibit postcard, loan agreements, artist information, media release, exhibit flyer, insurance documents
- “Interior Landscapes: The Art of Still Life” was an exhibition held September 26 to November 2, 2003. Artists included Jeff Legg, Philomene Bennett, and Jim Bray
- 03/04 Membership Drive
- Membership rosters for 2003 and 2004, Friends of St. Avips membership list for 2003-2004, the Philbrook Museum of Art 2002 member survey, membership roster for new member in 2003-2004, membership, endowment, and sponsorship informational document
- Nelson-Atkins Agreement
- Delivery receipt, ARTworks of Kansas City form, correspondence, outgoing receipt, correspondence, loan conditions document, Nelson-Atkins museum layout, photo of the sculpture
- The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art loaned Spiva Art Gallery Henry Moore’s sculpture Reclining Figure: Open Pose for the “Figuratively Speaking: Perceptions of the Human Form” exhibition. The sculpture was loaned January 16 to February 22, 2004. The Nelson-Atkins requested a wall-to-wall fine arts insurance coverage and a certificate of insurance in the amount of $25,000 before the sculpture would be shipped.
- 2003 Summer Educ. Pgm.
- Newspaper clipping, budget and ordering information, ledger report for 06/01/2003 to 08/30/2003, program flyer, class rosters, media release, blank enrollment form, printed emails, call/mail lists, postage statement 2003, photo of bathtub for sale
- “Picasso: More Than Just a Funny Face” was a summer educational program offered at the gallery in 2003. Three one-week sessions were offered for grades 1 through 9 at the cost of $40 (member) or $50 (non-member). A one-week session in hand building ($80/$100) and a two-week session in throwing on the wheel ($160/$200) were offered to grade 10 to adult.
- Masques of Africa
- Artworks slides, photographs of art, exhibit postcard
- “Masques of Africa” was on display October 1st to the 31st
- MSSU Art League RFG
- Loan agreements for the “MSSU Art League” exhibit from December 5, 2003 to January 11, 2004. Artists include Grant Cottrell, Janell Palmer, Brenda Sageng, Katherine Chandler, Jeff Youngblood, Nicole Noronha, Cathy Gilbreth, Susan Shaw, Jeff Smith, Lyda Konstanzer, Genii Kress, Scott Murray, and Elizabeth K Lidlee.
- Potters Show
- Delivery slip, loan agreements for (July 11 to September 15, 2003) Gregory C. Krepps, Brent Skinner, John Schermbeck, Jed Schlegel, and Jim Reed.
- 2004 Hands-On
- Volunteer list, “The Art of Assemblage” 3rd grade field trip 2003-2004 list of schools, volunteer suggestion sheet, sign-up sheet
- Bill Wright
- Exhibition postcards, shipping document, postage statement 2004, exhibit information packet, exhibit floppy disk
- “People’s Lives: A Photographic Celebration of the Human Spirit by Bill Wright” was on display May 21 to June 20, 2004.
- Ancient Egypt/ Educ 2/21, 28 and 3/6/04
- Student list, scholarship application, sign-up flyer, completed enrollment forms, postage statement 2003, media release
- “Ancient Egypt: Pottery and Sculpture” was a workshop for children in grades 3-8 on February 21st and 28th and concluded on March 6, 2004. It was $45 and limited to 20 students per class
- Picasso
- Artists’ biographies, 2004 exhibition task list, insurance documents, shipping documents, correspondence, postage statement 2003, ledger report for 05/01/2003 to 07/31/2003, income/expense report for Picasso exhibit, event postcards, 2004 exhibitions newsletter, media release, list of artworks, rental agreement, label copies
- The gallery offered afternoon high tea on September 24, 2003, to close the Picasso exhibit.
- Open Studio
- Program agreement, grant application, correspondence
- People’s Lives: A Photo Celebration of the Human Spirit May 21- June 27, 2004
- Copy of gallery home webpage, information about exhibit, shipping confirmation notice, program director’s kit
- Spiva Art Center Fred Whitehead Ex.
- Photo negatives, photo strips
- Spiva 59710-23
- Photographs and negatives of artworks.
- Perspectives of the Human Figure Jan. 16-Feb. 22, 2004
- Correspondence, images of Warhol’s art, media release, artist statements, artist biographies, lists of possible artworks to be included
- “Figuratively Speaking: Perceptions of the Human Form” was on display from January 17 to February 22, 2004. It featured artists Andy Warhol and Henry Moore. “Go Figure: Works from the Region” was on display at the same time and featured artists Lara Blankenship, Katherine Chandler, Annabelle Seelye Fuhr, Jane Kleindl, and Jesse McCormick.
- “Through the Eyes of a Changing Community”
- Photo negatives and photographs of a group of people
- Spiva 5878-14
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Spiva 5885-2
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Spiva Jon Fowler 5928-3
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Spiva Art (Annual) 5943-4
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Spiva Annual 5952-21
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Spiva Annual 5962-19
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Spiva 5972-26
- Negatives and photos of artworks
- Confederacy of Objects
- Shipping information 04/14/2004, exhibit postcards, loan agreements, artwork and price lists, postage statement 02/20/2004, correspondence, aritst information
- “A Confederacy of Objects” was an exhibition held February 27 to April 4, 2004 and featured artists Judy Onofrio, Roger Hines, Rhett Johnson, and M.F. Dahmen
- RFG: Variations on a 3-D Theme
- Loan agreements and artist information
- “Variations on a 3-D Theme” was an exhibition held February 27 to March 4, 2004. It featured artists Michele DeSutter, Ronald C. Mosbaugh, and Scott Murray.
- Go Figure: RFG
- Loan agreements, artist information
- The exhibition “Figuratively Speaking: Perception of the Human Form” was held January 16 to February 22, 2004 and featured artists Jane Kleindl, Lara Blankenship, Katherine Chandler, Annabelle Seelye Fuhr, and Jesse McCormick.
- Art and the Open Road 1 of 3
- Show Me the Ozarks magazine from April 2004, messages papers, thank you card, bike parking map, artist and online ordering information, exhibit flyers and posters, correspondence, 2003 Harley-Davidson Fine Art magazine, print out of Segal Fine Art website pages
- “Art and the Open Road: Motorcycles, Images, Icons” was an exhibition featuring bikes inside the gallery and outside on the street from June 26 to September 3, 2004. Artists included Scott Jacobs, David Uhl, Holly Ellsworth, David Mann, and Michael Lichter with bikes by Ariel, Indian, and Harley-Davidson
- Art and the Open Road 2 of 3
- Michael Lichter artwork list, loan agreements, magazine articles, packing slip, lists of art from Segal Fine Art, Inc., request for street closure June 26th 4:30 to 10 PM, correspondence, insurance documents (10/08/2003-10/08/2004), media release, poster stating “Tonight’s contributions support MDA and Spiva Center for the Arts. Please give generously. Thank you!”
- Art and the Open Road 3 of 3
- Kansas City Star newspaper clipping, thank you letter for sponsorship to Scott and Nancy Hutson, Michael Lichter photography information, biography of artists
- Bo Hagerman: Surrealist Studies in Oil Nov. 13-DC. 26, 2010
- Exhibit postcards, photographs and CDs of art, exhibit placard, media release, Bo Hagerman exhibition agreements, list of artwork and prices, artist biography, images of artwork, artist statement
- “William Rainey: Homecoming” was held September 17 to November 5, 2010 in the AT&T main gallery. “Small Works Auction” was held September 18 to October 29, 2010 in the regional gallery and featured artists G. Adamson, C. Shipman, and M.A. Soerries. “Surrealist Sutdies in Oil” was held November 13 to December 26, 2010 and featured artwork by Bo Hagerman.
- WM Rainey: Homecoming Sept. 18- Nov. 5, 2010
- Exhibit layout, exhibit agreements, artist statement, copy of check from SFS Architecture, Inc. and Eagle Picher Technologies, LLC, email correspondence, blank membership cards, images of artwork, exhibit flyer, artist biography, shipping receipt
- Ellen W. Wolf: Layers July 17-Sept. 3, 2010 Louviere and Vanessa: As If
- FedEx airbill (07/06/2010), artist information, media release, art list and price,
- “Louviere and Vanessa As If” was held July 17 to September 3, 2010 and featured Jeff Louviere and Vanessa Brown (AT&T main gallery). “Ellen W. Wolf: Layers” was also held July 17 to September 3, 2010 (regional gallery).
- Ellen Wolf: Layers
- Exhibit agreement, slide list, exhibit application, Wolf business card, artist information, exhibit postcard, correspondence, artist statement
- Louviere and Vanessa
- Films CD, past exhibition information, FedEx sender document, artist poster, images of artwork, art condition report, packing list, exhibition agreements, exhibition layout design, correspondence, artist travel expenses, FedEx document (07/06/2010), past exhibition catalog, exhibition flyers, artist statement, photography magazine
- Robyn Cook “Close to Home” Regional Gallery 3/4-5/1 2016
- December gift shop sales, correspondence, images of art, artist information, exhibit applications, 2011 and 2012 event rental forms, Dylan Garrison Show 2012 CD, facility rental agreements
Box 6: Spiva Exhibits & Official Files 2004-2008
- Motorcycle
- Insurance correspondence, loan agreements, revenue report, ledger report for 03/31/2004 to 08/11/2004, event map, artist information (Rod Dutton, Phil Dellasega, Al Letner, and T. Steele Jones), correspondence, event postcard information, information from Harley Davidson website
- Refer to Box 3 folders “Art and the Open Road”
- Fishing America Donna Gilbreth Remembered 9/17-10/24/04
- Loan agreements, media release, artist information, remembrances
- “Fishing America, A Work of Art” was held September 17th to October 24th, 2004. Artists/Lenders included Dr. John Boots, Bill Long, Mike Ritzman, Dr, Win L. Walmsley, Bill Gipson, and Larry Stark.
- Donita Ellison- Aesthetic Realism
- Printed speech, art articles, correspondence, Journal of the Print World newspaper from Winter 2005, other galleries and museums event postcards
- Redshirt 9/9/06-10/20/06
- List of artwork and loan agreement from Andrew Super for the “Redshirt” exhibition September 8th to October 20th, 2006.
- Four: Red Crosses 9/9/06-10/20/06
- Exhibition postcards, postcards of Kelly Buntin Johnson’s “Intercessor” sculpture, lists of artworks and prices
- “Four: Red Crosses, Peregrine Visions” was held September 9th to October 20th, 2006. Artists included Kelly Buntin Johnson and Wendy Vrooman.
- Slide Talk- Rebecca Bluestone Oct. 28, 2006 2-4
- List of names and payment methods
- Fibers of Wellbeing 10/28/06-12/1/06
- Exhibition postcards, Bluestone artist statement and list of art, blank invoice documents
- “Fibers of Wellbeing” was held October 28th to December 1st, 2006, featuring tapestries by Rebecca Bluestone and weavings, prints, and collage by Gerald A. Johnson.
- Mary Ann Soerries April Davis Leiter Oct 2006
- Gallery newsletter for “Fibers of Wellbeing,” lists of art and prices, Soerries’ business card
- Art, Trusts, & Estates Nov. 16, 2006 6:30
- Written note for seminar participants
- A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Bodmer and Catlin Condition Reports (Binder)
- Condition reports with images
- Dino Stories 6/3/06-8/26/06
- Exhibition agreement, blank copy of scavenger hunt, exhibition flyers and postcards, 2005 Specimen Catalog (Triebold Paleontology, Inc.)
- “DinoStories/DinoArt” was an exhibition held June 2nd to August 26th, 2006. Artists included Richard Courtney and M.F. Dahmen
- 06-07 Dahmen & Dinostories
- Delivery correspondence, Joplin Area Kids Directory August 2006, revenue/expense summary, flyer copies, business card for Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center, napkin with dinosaurs, copy of exhibition agreement, orange napkin, information packet about Mammoths in Carl Junction, correspondence, transportation bill, delivery information, recipe for Dinosaur Chow, artwork list, exhibit description, photographs, copy of payment sent to Oregon Museum of Science/Industry and reimbursement by Joplin, financial records, artist information, exhibit schedule, OMSI exhibit services folders
- DinoStories Buzzlewic R. Courtney T. Courtney
- List of artworks and prices, exhibit postcards, copies of exhibit posters
- JCVB – DinoStories
- Exhibit postcard, 2005-2006 grant application (Joplin Convention and Visitors Bureau), sample media release, traveling exhibit packets, copies of coloring pages, “Weekly World News: The World’s Only Reliable Newspaper”
- Dinostories- M Dahmen
- Marv Dahmen artwork list, descriptions of art, artist statement
- Dinosauring Main St.06
- Business participation forms, financial records/reports, correspondence, list of business contributions and participation, event flyer, drawing of dinosaurs, Joplin Daily March 9, 2007
- Dinosauring Main Street was an event beginning on Saturday June 17, 2006, where businesses decorating their windows for the dinosaur exhibition. Businesses included Joplin Public Library, US Bank, Newton’s Jewelers, Mine & Mom’s Attic, and Sherwin Williams
- In the Company of Outsiders 2007
- Exhibition postcard, exhibition agreement, photographs of artwork, handwritten correspondence, gallery newsletter, lists of art,
- “In the Company of Outsiders: Jessie Montes and Friends” was held January 27 to March 2, 2007 and featured self-taught artists such as Jessie Montes, Robert E. Smith, and David Kontra.
- In the Company of Outsiders 1/27/07-3/2/07
- Michael Peven
- Correspondence, artist information/resume, CD, images of artwork
- “Michael Peven: Good Dog/Bon Chien” was a photography exhibition held from March 10 to April 20, 2007
- Michael Peven: Good Dog 3/10/07-4/20/07
- Main Gallery: Good Dog/Michael Peven; Regional: Best in Show
- Peven list of art, correspondence, Spiva Newsletter March and April 2007, exhibition agreement for Joe and Monty Sours, Sours art list, Golubski art list
- Tools as Art 6/30/07-9/14/07
- Exhibit postcards and folder with photos, newspaper clipping, correspondence
- “Tools as Art: The Hechinger Collection” was held June 30th to September 14, 2007. Artists included Andrey Chezhim, James Carter, Donald Lipski, and Daniel Webster
- Tools as Art
- Financial records, correspondence, exhibit schedules, exhibit information packet, newspaper clipping, list of artwork, exhibit layout, crate list,
- Tools as Art July-Sept 2007
- Newspaper clipping, exhibit packet, map for Crossland Construction, exhibit packet, financial reports and records, copy of flyer, venue contract, July-August 2007 class list, marketing plan
- American Exploration
- Joe Beeler/ Loans Exhibition agreements, correspondence, list of artworks Amer Exploration Shipping records, exhibit postcard, A.G. Edwards and Sons art collection brochure, newspaper copy, Karl Bodmer biography, loan agreement, correspondence, art information, exhibition packet, financial records
- “American Exploration” was held September 29th to November 18th, 2007 and included art from Karl Bodmer and George Catlin
- Joe Beeler’s Amer West
- Exhibit layout, list of artworks, correspondence, wall measurements, photograph of art, booklets of different pieces, exhibit posters, memorial fund letter, proposal for fund award,
- “Joe Beeler’s American West” was held September 29th to November 25, 2007
- Brigitte Woosley 09/29/07 Oil Portrait
- List of works and prices, email correspondence, portrait painting media release
- MG: American Exploration: 09/29/07-11/18/07 Bodmer & Catlin
- Exhibit labels, artist biography, exhibition agreements, exhibit postcards
- RG: Joe Beeler’s 09/29/07-11/25/07 American West
- Exhibition postcards for “Joe Beeler’s American West” and correspondence
- 07/08 Exhibits
- Lists of Main Gallery exhibitions from 2006 to 2008, Lisa Rivas and Todd Nelson artist information, lists and information for featured artists
- James Oliver: Rural Happ
- Artist CD, artist information, lists of artwork, exhibition agreement, correspondence
- “Rural Happenings” was held June 29th to September 14th, 2007.
- Face Africa Exhibit Agreement and Schedule A 2007
- Exhibition agreements
- “Face. Africa” was held December 1, 2007 to January 6, 2008 and featured artist Josie Mai.
- King Tut- Chicago 06-07
- Correspondence, the Field Museum’s exhibition “Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharohs” information, flight information
- Carol (White Folder)
- Photographs and exhibit postcard from “Miniature Models by Lee Graham and Everett Underwood” in 2006.
- Jesse Montes & friends
- Artist information, images of artwork and slides, exhibition postcards, exhibition agreements, correspondence
- Good Dog/ Bon Chien
- Exhibit postcards, list of artwork and prices, exhibit overview and marketing packet, Therapy Dogs International, Inc. Information, event schedule, artist biography, napkin with written exhibit scheduling, February 11, 2007 real estate newspaper, correspondence, Petfinder information
- Fibers of Wellbeing
- Lists of work, exhibit postcard, exhibition information, exhibition agreements, CD labeled 8.06 Gerald Johnson, showing invitation, “Woven Harmony” exhibition layout, FedEx airbill for Rebecca Bluestone, lecture notes, exhibtion overview packet, folder of artist information, cds, photographs for Bluestone,
- “Fibers of Wellbeing” was held October 28th to December 1st, 2006 and was hosted by Freeman Nutrition Services. Artists included Gerald A. Johnson and Rebecca Bluestone
- Four: Red Crosses
- Correspondence, slides, artist information/statements, exhibit postcards, magazine pages, exhibit installation plans, images of artwork, loan agreements (Lori Buntin, Kelly Buntin Johnson, Sheryl Pierson, and Maura Cluthe), exhibition packet, lists of artwork, blank printer paper
- LCC 4/15- 5/20/05
- Loan agreements Ya-Ya's Loan agreements and artist information for “YaYa Painters: Watercolors”
- Downing/Teeter
- Artist statement and information for Casey Downing Jr., and Linda S. Teeter
- Flight: MSSU
- Exhibition agreements and images of art
- Darral Dishman
- List of art and notecards, and framing instructions
- Festival of Four States
- Volunteer schedule and list Nick Frising Frising illustrations
- RG: Wind & Fire 01/19/08- 02/29/08
- Correspondence, list of artwork, exhibit labels, exhibit postcards
- “Wind & Fire” was held January 19th to February 29th, 2008 and featured glass artists Terry Bloodworth, Sarah Diggdon, Erich Minton, and Todd Nelson.
- RG: 12/01/07-01/06/08 Josie Mai
- Tag list, correspondence, exhibit labels, online catalog links, Soulfari Kenya information
Box 6: Spiva Official Files (Spiva-thon) 1994-2014
- Membership List- Autumn ‘94
- List of life, corporate, benefactor, patron, sponsors, families, and senior citizens members for 1991-1992 and 1993-1994, Friends of St. Avips 1995-1996 list, Sharon Beshore biography, supporters list 1999-2000, list of members who did not renew 1997-1998, list of members from 1998-1999
- Fellows
- Litho Printing fax sheet from 09/11/1996 and correspondence
- Spiva Annual
- Arkansas, Springfield (MO), and Nebraska visual artists mailing lists Membership Drive FY 99-00 Annual report for 1998-1999, foundations and trusts list and docent list 98-99, financial records 98-99, 1999 letter request to renew membership, 99-00 building fund report and endowment donations, correspondence, annual mailing report 1999, printing receipts, 1999 postage statements, prospective members list 1999, membership list from 1997-1998
- Membership Drive 00/01 Annual Report
- Flyer for 1999/2000 membership drive, 2000-2001 member list, correspondence, list of members who haven’t renewed 99/00, 2000 postage statement, 99-00 member list, 97-98 member list, ledger report 7/1/99 to 6/30/00, 2000 member list, printing invoices 2000, fiscal report 99/00, blank acquisition forms 99-00
- Membership Drive 01/02
- Gallery brochure, correspondence, postage statements from 2001, membership levels and prices, financial records, list of member 2000-2001 and 2001-2002
- Membership Drive 02/03
- Correspondence, membership lists 2002-2003, flyers for drive, financial records, holiday celebration postcards (2003), postage statement 2002, brochures, member list 2001-2002, blank membership request form
- Membership
- Correspondence, membership levels and benefits list, membership brochure from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Krempp Gallery brochure, Pro Musica appreciation letter (2005), “The Last Days of the Confederacy” flyer (2005), Daum Museum membership postcard, gallery membership forms, Joplin Museum Complex membership application, 2004 membership and sponsor list
- Membership Ideas
- Membership list for 2000-2001, vision packet, membership form, Philbrook Museum of Art bulletin (June-August 2004), Philbrook fall schedule 2004 and exhibition postcard, postcard for 2000/2001 Membership Drive, 2004-2005 exhibition list, Arkansas Village Art Club flyer (2003), Children’s Haven flyers, brochure sample, fundraising and membership meeting agenda (07/21/2004)
- Membership Samples/Stuff
- Nelson-Atkins membership flyer, membership form, Springfield Art Museum flyer, 2004 exhibitions postcard, Kemper Museum membership information, membership roster for 2003/2004, membership packet (how to sell, participation, welcoming, etc.), correspondence
- Fishing America Sept 17- Oct 24, 04
- Sample flyer, loan agreement for “Donna Gilbreth Remembered” exhibit, board of directors list 2003-2004, media release, correspondence, artist information, images of artwork,
- “Fishing America: The Photo and Stories of Larry Stark” was held September 17th, 2004 to October 24th, 2004, which featured photographs by Larry Stark.
- Orton Cone Box Show Oct 29-Nov 28, 2004
- Correspondence, exhibition agreement from Baker University, exhibition flyers, media release (October 19, 2004), list of artwork and artists, list of works purchased, photographs of art, exhibition layout documents, board members sign up sheet, artist information, October 2004 newsletter, list of 2004 exhibition, exhibition posters
- “Small Shapes, Big Impressions: The 2004 International Orton Cone Box Show” was held October 29th to November 28th, 2004. Featuring artists from the United States, England, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Singapore, and Australia.
- 20th Century Masters 7/8/05-8/28/05
- Exhibit postcards, exhibit brochures, June/July 2005 newsletter, financial records, shipping documents, art checklist
- “20th Century Masters, 20th Century Graphics!” was held July 8th to August 28th, 2005 and featured art from the Cochran Collection. Artists included Picasso, Calder, Chagall, de Kooning, Warhol, and Moore.
- Graphics by 20th Century Masters July 8- Aug 20, 2005
- Shipping documents, printing making information sheet, correspondence, exhibit brochure, slide list, Steven Wise artist information, text CD, crate list, slides, exhibition checklist and shipping information
- Binary Articulations
- Loan agreements, exhibition documents/information, artist information, exhibition postcard information
- “Binary Articulations” was held September 8th to October 14th, 2005. Artists included Ambler Hutchinson, Trish Simonite, Stephen Marc, Eric Kunsman, Gary S. Colby, and Nate Larson.
- Binary Articulations 9/8-10/14/05
- Correspondence, sponsorship thank you letter for Wayne Connelly, exhibition postcards, artist information, loan agreements, photographs of artwork
- Binary Articulations Sept 8- Oct 14, 2005
- Artist information for Cynthia Brown, exhibition opening speech document, correspondence, example of sponsor thank you notes, information document for Masterclass with Eric Kunsman.
- Shape Shifters: March 10- April 14, 2006
- Photographs from event, schedule of events and tasks from 3/1-13, list of participants, newsletter March-April 2006, exhibit information packet, Margaret Roach Wheeler slides, financial documents, artist information, correspondence, lipstick personality quiz
- “Shape Shifters: Paper, Fiber, Form” was held March 10th to April 14th, 2006. Artists included Sharon Kilfoyle, Suza Wooldridge, Maragaret Roach Wheeler, Leandra Spangler
- Carlene Fullerton Shape Shifters
- Correspondence, loan agreement, list of artworks
- Betsy Roe Shape Shifters
- Correspondence, loan agreement, list of artworks
- Leandra Spangler Shape Shifters
- Loan agreement and list of artworks
- Sharon Kilfoyle Shape Shifters
- Loan agreement, business card, artist statement, correspondence
- Suza Wooldridge Shape Shifters
- Loan agreement and list of artworks
- Margaret Roach Wheeler Shape Shifters
- Loan agreement, list of artworks, artist information
- Shape Shifters
- Correspondence, exhibition information, financial records, exhibit postcard
- PSU Cotillion @ RFG
- Loan agreements (2005) for Corey Hine, John Cohorst, Erin Cureton, Trever Welch, Steve Foss, Heather James, Brenda A. Myers, Annie Pennington, Amanda M. Hood, Elijah S. Loving, Andy Super, Jillian Palone, Michelle Hallacy, Diane Holtz
- Teapot- 2005 Artists Challenge
- Entry forms, correspondence,
- “Challenge The Teapot Form” was held March 11- April 8, 2005 and featured area artists, bidding sheets
- Teapot Challenge
- Blank entry form, exhibit postcards, list of artworks and artists, correspondence, artist biographies.
- Out of Africa
- Loan receipt, loan agreements, exhibition information, shipping documents, correspondence, artist information
- Art Sales: Regional Focus Gallery, Main Gallery
- Blank sales record sheets
- Kansas Art Quilters
- List of artists and information, list of artworks and prices
- Steven Wise
- Correspondence, artist statement, loan agreement, list of artworks
- Divergent Tangents. RFG Jan 27- March 03 2006
- Loan agreements for Dan McWilliams and M. Justin Hale
- Andy Thomas Storyteller Jan 27- March 3, 2005
- Loan agreement, list of all items sales, example posters, appreciation sponsorship notes, presenter fees, correspondence, exhibition list July 2005 to June 2006, artist information, reception invitation, raffle to have portrait painted by Thomas documents, event sign up sheet
- Out of Africa Jan 28-Mar 6, ‘05
- Correspondence, loan condition reports
- Subjects & Objects: Casey D. May 27- July 3, 2006
- Artist information and images of artworks, correspondence, list of sculptures needing bases, list of prices for sculptures, exhibit postcard
- “Subjects & Objects” was held May 27th to July 1st, 2005 and featured sculptures by Casey Downing, Jr.
- Teapot Challenge Mar. 11- Apr 10, 2005
- Artists’ addresses, list of artists with artworks and minimum bids, blank entry forms, press release, “Do Not Touch” labels, exhibition postcards
- Layers/ Upon Reflection
- Exhibition postcard, correspondence, exhibition set up sheet for October 17-21, artist and artwork information (Rosemary Claus-Gray, Virginia A. Spiegel, Ruth Powers), presenter fees document
- Layers/Upon Reflection 10/21/05-11/27/05
- “Artcessories” exhibit post card, “Layers/Upon Reflection” post cards, information about artist Cynthia Brown, loan agreement, artwork descriptions
- “Layers/Upon Reflection” exhibition was held October 21 to November 27, 2005 and features Kansas Art Quilters.
- Spivathon 05/06 Letters, Masters, etc.
- Letter to broad members, correspondence, membership roster FY 2002-2003, pledge form process document, Spivathon 2006 donor list, membership roster FY 2003-2004, membership reports, membership information, donation form
- Spivathon
- 2005-2006 exhibition lists, member renewals, correspondence, gallery information
- Jim Mueller
- List of artworks, and artist statement and information
- Andy Thomas- Storyteller Jan 27-March 03, 2006
- Exhibition postcards, exhibition packet, correspondence, inventory, painting print of Abraham Lincoln and others, portrait raffle participants, labels, January 2006 inventory, loan agreement, painting descriptions, sales record (3/4/06), portrait raffle blank form, exhibit poster, third grade field trip guide and lesson plan.
- “Andy Thomas: Storyteller” was an exhibition held January 27th to March 3rd, 2006 and featured paintings from the American painter.
- Andy Thomas: Storyteller
- Exhibit postcard and sales records.
- Figure & Adornment 3/10-4/14/06
- Sherri B. Wilkins artwork slides, Wilkins artist statement and information, art labels; Wilkins loan agreement, Nicole Meyer artist statement, business card, loan agreement
- High Tea & Fashion Show 4/14/06/ Girl’s Night Out 4/13/06
- Event cards, Girls’ night registration list, High Tea registration list, media release, Girls’ Night event schedule, handmade shawl drawing forms, High Tea docent list
- “Girls’ Night Out” was an event held on April 13, 2006. The event cost $10 and included food and fashion. “High Tea & Fashion” was held the day after on April 14, 2006 costing $10 as well.
- MFA- Univ of AR 12/2/05-11/13/06
- Loan agreements for Kelsey Felthousen, Stephanie Price, Alison Carter, Richard Cutshall, Shane Richey, Rob Andes, Benjamin J. Edwards, Golsa Yaghoobi Rahmatabadi, Joshua Pickens, Aaron Lovell, and Tanya Johnston.
- Spivathon 2006
- List of gifts/donations from members, contributor list May 1, 2006 and October 11, 2006, correspondence, list of pledges and membership renewals, donation forms from businesses and individuals
- Spivathon
- Blank pledge forms, thank you templates, 2005-2006 exhibition list, pledges and membership list, contributor list (10/11/2006), call instructions, correspondence
- Spivathon ‘06- “Fix in ‘06”
- “Message Left” “No Contact” and “Made Contact” labels, list of gifts from members, correspondence, contributor list May, newspaper clipping
- Goal was to raise $25,000
- Spivathon 2007
- 2007 contributor list, 60th annual membership show flyer, financial records and invoices, correspondence, donation forms, fundraising initiatives list, donation forms from businesses and individuals
- “60th Annual Membership Show” was held December 1, 2006 to January 6, 2008.
- Spivathon 2009
- Donation forms, correspondence, list of contributors (total $38,322)
- Spivathon 10
- Contributor list July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, blank donation forms, annual giving statists from 2006 to 2010, 2010 and 2011 donation list, donator with donation list including 2006 to 2010, account report from July 2008 to June 2009 and July 2009 to October 2010
- Spivathon 60th Annual
- 2009 annual fund campaign sheet, 60th birthday annual report, donation forms from 2007 to 2008
- Spivathon 2011-12
- July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 annual fund campaign list, blank donation forms, correspondence, donor list 2006-2011, “The Ask Jewish Community Foundation” packet, large donor history list (2006-2012), donation information
- Spivathon 2014
- Loan agreement for Becky Golubski and David Kontra. “Joe & Monty Sours: Best of Show” (3/10-4/14, 2007) schedule, “David Kontra: In the Company of Outsiders” (1/27-3/2, 2007) schedule,”Judith Fowler: Bellissimo” (4/27-6/17, 2007) schedule, newspaper clipping, donor list 2013-2014, 2014 donor list, donor forms, correspondence, Phonathon February 2014 list, 2013 Spivathon totals