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Locate searches the library's collection of print books, physical material, and more
MOBIUS allows you to request books and other material from partner libraries
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) searches through ebooks, ejournals, newspapers, and scholarly resources
A-Z Databases List provides links for all the databases to which Library subscribes, including primary sources, streaming services, and more
Libby provides access to popular ebooks and audiobooks
eJournal List links all of the full-text ejournals you have access to through the Library
WorldCat searches library holdings throughout the world and can be used to help find materials for InterLibrary Loan
Research and Course Guides provides curated collections of resources for specific classes or topics
Course Reserves lets you see what material your professors have placed on reserve for your classes
Search Tips
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If you have a question or comment about the Library's LibGuides, please contact the site administrator.