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American History 120 - Mountz: Skill Unit 4

Dr. William Mountz History 120

Skill Unit 4

Film Critique

In modern-day culture, much of what we learn about history comes from films and TV programs which help students visualize historical events.  However, movie and TV producers are more interested in providing entertainment than concentrating on historical accuracy. This exercise is constructed to help students critically analyze historically based films for accuracy.

The film that you will watch for this assignment is the Help. 


There is so much information on the Internet that when searching historical topics, it is very hard to find good scholarly sources for information.

Below are several search engines that will help you search scholarly information to help you write your paper. Please find an article that supports the thesis of your assignment and make sure that parenthetically cite your source and that you completely and correctly cite it on the works cited page.

Using one of the search engines below, type in the search box "JIm Crow" (use citation marks) and find any scholarly article to help in your assignment on the movie.  Make sure you select an article that has the full text available.

The article you choose must be cited in your film critique.

From off campus you will need to submit your Missouri Southern credentials - first half of university email & PIN.

Research databases
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Google Schoolar Search


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