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American History 120 - Mountz: Skill Unit 2

Dr. William Mountz History 120

Skill Unit 2

Family History


Amost everyone in this class is a descendant of someone who immigrated to this country over the last 200 years. Immigration helped build the country we now enjoy.


Your assignment for this Skill Unit is to do research on your family heritage. Try to see if you can find out when your family migrated to this country.  You will write a 300-400 word academic paper on the history of one line of your family (pick your mom's or your dad's side of the family). This paper should use MLA formatting.

Here are a list of Geneaological sites that will help you with this assignment:


US Gen Web Project

Ellis Island

Find a Grave

Talk to your relatives, someone in your family has probably researched your family history.  Do not hesitate to ask me for help.

NOTE:  All of these sites are free.  Do not access any site that requires a fee (unless of course you want to), it is not a requirement of this class.



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