Want to browse the shelves? Here are the Library of Congress call numbers for Management:
HD28-70 Management. Industrial management
Features thousands of full-text journals; dissertations; working papers; key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist; country- and industry-focused reports; and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends globally.
Provides access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference information as well as U.S. Supreme Court decisions back to 1790.
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Google Books searches the full-text of books. It is great for narrow topics because it lets you search within the text of books--you can see the table of contents, index or a portion of the contents of the book. You can then locate the book in a nearby library.
Current in print copyrighted books are not full text. Out of print but still copyrighted books will show 20% of the book. Books in the public domain (pre 1923) are completely full text.
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