Country Studies: Books/eBooks

Resources covering the social, economic, political, and institutions of countries throughout the world.

Call Numbers

Want to browse the shelves? Here are the Library of Congress call numbers for International Relations and related subjects:

E183.7-183.9  U.S. Diplomatic history.  Foreign and general relations.

G149‑180        Travel.  Voyages and travels (General)

G154.9‑155.8 Travel and state.  Tourism

GN301‑674   Ethnology.  Social and cultural anthropology

HG3810-4000   Foreign exchange.  International finance. International monetary system

JC11‑605   Political theory.  The state.  Theories of the state

JV6001‑9480   Emigration and immigration.  International migration

JZ5‑6530   International relations

KZ2‑6795   Law of nations

Accessing eBooks Off Campus

To access the full-text of ebooks from off-campus you must be a current MSSU student, faculty or staff member with a username and PIN.  If you don't know or can't remember your Missouri Southern Username or PIN, please contact the IT Help Desk.

More Options for Print Books

Books at Spiva Library are filed by the Library of Congress Classification System.   To determine the Library of Congress call number of a specific book one must search the Spiva Library Catalog.  A Spiva Library catalog search widget is provided below.  

Suggested search terms


Cultural Studies




Business Etiquette

Foreign Relations



Human Rights

Intercultural Communication

International Cooperation

International Law

International Relations


Social Conditions

Social Customs

World Humanities

Google Books

Why use Google Books?

Google Books searches the full-text of books.  It is great for narrow topics because it lets you search within the text of books--you can see the table of contents, index or a portion of the contents of the book.  You can then locate the book in a nearby library.

Google Book Search

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