An educational organization that promotes and supports media literacy by helping citizens develop critical thinking and media production skills that are needed to be fully engaged in the 21st century media culture.
A PBS NOVA article that explores the relationship between Facebook algorithms and the decline of democracy. As Facebook relies more and more on algorithms to generate content that meets an individuals particular tastes, it becomes more and more biased by excluding content from the opposition that could provide a more well-rounded view.
A Wall Street Journal article that looks at the findings of a Stanford University study. According to this study, close to 82% of middle school students can't distinguish between real news and "sponsored content" on a website.
A Pew Research Center study that looks at how adults get their news through various social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, rather than through more traditional news mediums.
Looking at information critically and evaluating the facts, whether for personal or professional consumption, is a necessary skill for the 21st century. The Purdue Online Writing Lab has created a list of questions to think about when reading to evaluate the source.
An article from MIT Technology Review that talks about the shift of the Internet and social media from information to entertainment and how this shift is killing social discourse.