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LGBTQ+ Resources

This guide will feature selected LGBTQ electronic and print resources in the MSSU George A. Spiva Library. It was created by Ms. Kayla Reed, Access Services Librarian and Mr. James Capeci, Library Director.

Campus Contacts


MSSU Advising/Counseling/Testing (Counseling Services) (417) 625-9324

(9324 from an on-campus phone)

MSSU Health Center (417) 625-9323 (on campus: 9323)

MSSU Student Services (417) 625-9392

If you are concerned for your safety, contact the University Police.

For Emergency situations call 911

For non-emergency call (417) 623-3131


Campus, Joplin, and Missouri resources include, but are not limited to:

National Resources:

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