Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How to use generative AI in teaching and researching

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems that can do things that usually only humans can do. These tasks include reasoning, making decisions, and solving problems. When a computer or a robot figures out a problem or uses language, it might seem intelligent, but it’s a different kind of intelligence from what humans have. Scientists have been working on creating machines with AI that come close to human intelligence, but so far, they haven’t fully succeeded.

Generative artificial intelligence  is like a creative computer brain. Imagine it as a digital artist that looks at lots of examples (like pictures, text, or music) and learns patterns from them. Then, it uses those patterns to make new things—original content that didn’t exist before! So, when you see a chatbot like ChatGPT or Bard coming up with human-like responses, that’s generative AI at work. It’s like having a computer buddy who can write stories, compose music, or even draw pictures based on what it’s learned. 


This guide is designed for students and instructors who want to understand how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a responsible and ethical manner. It covers various aspects, including:

  1. Critical Engagement: Learn how to think critically about AI tools. Understand their strengths, limitations, and potential biases.
  2. Examples and Further Reading: Explore practical examples of how students and instructors can incorporate AI tools into their work. Dive into additional resources for deeper understanding.
  3. AI Literacy: Enhance your understanding of AI concepts and terminology.
  4. Citing AI: Discover how to properly cite AI tools and research in academic work.
  5. Current AI News: Stay informed about the latest developments in AI, including tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, Microsoft CoPilot and other exciting innovations.

In a nutshell, this guide empowers you to navigate the world of AI knowledgeably and ethically. 


This guide was created by Diana Fordham.

Portions of this guide have been adapted (with modifications) or reused from a guide created by Bronte Chiang at the University of Calgary under a Creative Common Attribution 4.0 international License and The University of Maryland Global Campus.

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