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EDU 630: Assessment of Student Learning: Week 4

This course is an overview of the current research, theory, and practice related to assessment and student learning.

Week 4 Overview

This week we are taking the process of data analysis down to a smaller scale – the building and individual classrooms. As future building and
curriculum leaders, you will have the responsibility of guiding teachers to analyze, draw conclusions, and set improvement plans based on their own data.

There are many protocols available for data-based dialogue that leads to solid decisions based on data, however, for all of the protocols, the first step is in gathering relevant data and understanding what the data can and cannot tell you. Our chapter readings this week discuss different types of data and their purpose as well as limitations so that you can direct teachers and other building leaders to the right kinds of data for the decisions that need made.

Next, we’ll look at data protocols for various levels – both building and classroom level – to guide conversation appropriately and help make sense of the data in a meaningful way. This culminates in a Mock Data Team Assignment where you participating in a mock data dialogue with peers so that you can see how one such process unfolds and be prepared to replicate it in the future.

Note: If you are currently pursuing the Administration degree, this is a process that can be replicated and applied toactual building level data and counted as a Log Activity.

Reading Resources - Chapter 1: An Introduction to Different Kinds of Data

Reading Resources: Chapter 6: Putting It All Together: Basing Decisions on Data

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