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Faculty Services @ Spiva Library

A guide explaining information literacy across the curriculum and the role the library plays in helping students learn how to acquire, manage, analyze, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically to be successful in their careers and life.

LibGuides Link in your BlackBoard Course

Our reference librarians have created LibGuides (web pages) with helpful suggestions on sources and search strategies for various topics and sources by department.  You can ask your liaison librarian to create a guide to support a research assignment in a specific course. Find existing guides by going to the LibGuides homepage and following the links to your discipline to select a guide. 

Adding a guide to your Blackboard course works best if you have a specific guide title in mind to use, either one created by your librarian specifically for your course, or one of the generic guides to a subject.

Create a Link within a Content Area

  1. Select URL for your desired guide (ether supplied by your librarain or found on the LibGuides pages)
  2. Log in to BlackBoard and select the Course in which you wish to place the link
  3. Select the Content Area (open folder)
  4. Select, 'Build Content', then 'Web Link'

5.  In the form that opens, type the name of the LibGuide, paste the guide URL, add a description, select other options as desired, then click, Submit.

The link should now be available within the content folder to which you added it.

Link Directly from the Course Menu

  1. Select URL for your desired guide (ether supplied by your librarain or found on the LibGuides pages)
  2. Log in to BlackBoard and select the Course in which you wish to place the link
  3. To add a LibGuide link to the Course Menu, hit the plus sign, then select 'Web Link'

4.  In the form that opens, type the title of the LibGuide and paste the LibGuide URL into the designated field.  Check, 'Available to Users' and click, Submit button

5.  You are done!  You should see a link in your course menu with the name of the LibGuide.

Clicking on the link should result in the LibGuide opening within your Blackboard Course Site.

This site is maintained by the librarians of George A. Spiva Library.
If you have a question or comment about the Library's LibGuides, please contact the site administrator.